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I need help with installing fallout 4 mods


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I need help with my fallout 4 mods. From what it seems like to me that my Nexus picks and chooses what mods it wants to install on to the game, when i try to download a mod i need/want it says something about "The execution has failed due to the bug in the SevenZipSharp. After i was notified with a few of these from different mods i went to go check to see if my 7zip was up to date and it is and even for extra measures i reinstalled, And i find it funny because i realized that when i was modding my Fallout New Vegas for the first time i kept getting this error all the time, and im not shure how i fixed it last time but now when i install mods for FNV that error doesn't come up, with fallout 4 only some mods nexus install and other it give me the error, i really need help because i have mods installed that require other mods and nexus isn't allowing me to install then due to that error.

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