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Arrows not striking


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Has anyone noticed that arrows don't seem to be able to cross cell boundaries? For example I was sitting outside of bleakwind basin shooting into the giant and mammoth packs. I tried dozens of shots at every concievable angle. I even had the ini tweak to enable arrows to go farther. However I didn't get a single hit until I moved slightly closer and had the bleakwind basin area thing pop up. As soon as I was inside the basin, I started getting hits. If arrows can't cross cell boundaries, is there a fix for this?
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Arrows are not bullets, If you are out of render range then the arrow will never reach their targets. I many times see things off in the distance and tried to sniper them with arrows but my arrows are not penetrating, they seem to disappear. do to being out of Render Range. If I move cloer to targets I will get a hit, but the stopping power is decreased dramaticly the further out you are, but it still does a little damage. I usually do not use arrows as my main weapon, I am into melee, I like to get up close and personal, I use my bow, MOSTLY for triggering traps. Like shooting, the small hanging flameing pots down, or dropping the soul gem traps, you know the ones the spu fire or ice on you at a constant, you can disarm them with your bow, and a well placed shot, Tripwires, door wires, chest wires, can ALL be disarmed with a well placed shot useing a bow. I use magic ONLY to try and lure Dragons on the ground. Arrows do not cut it. It is faster to lure a Dragon down with sometype of projectile magic.
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I have a note in my Skyrim tweaks book that suggests adding a line to the skyrim.ini file that helps a bit for arrow distance.





If [Actor] already exists, don't add a new one, just enter the line under the existing.


Try this as arrows did work a bit better for me after entering it. However, the game seems to have some limitations on arrows as they do tend to disappear and really long distance shots do not always work. Distance is not consistent in every cell either I have found. I have no idea what causes the limitation, but it must be built into the game.


I am just over 175 hours with my current character, who uses a bow exclusively, mainly because the hand weapons and melee combat system in Skyrim is so useless and its just boring beating some bad guy to death with a piece of rebar or pipe while dodging their pathetically slow and obvious swipes of a weapon. I played a melee character once and its fun for a bit, but got pretty boring after a while - especially on Master setting.


The only hand weapon I carry is a dagger with a fire enchantment in case I want to do a stealth kill or if I get surprised, and I never use any magic as magic is for wimp mages and evil necromancers - at least thats how my PC feels (Nords distrust magic). Stealth, awareness of surroundings and tactics is my current methodology of playing and a bow is perfect for the style. I have been taking down dragons with a bow as well, but one has to be careful as the dragons can fall in weird places sometimes (including into the ground) and you will miss getting the soul.


Try the ini tweak above and let us know if it works for you.

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I am currently using the ini tweak, which does help, but I was already using the ini tweak before I had this issue. Specifically I was shooting at a range that I've easily hit things at before, but there were no actual hits. I was stealthed so the game would have told me if I hit something. Then as soon as I moved forward slightly and had the "bleakwind basin" title pop up on my screen, my hits started registering. In other words, it didn't seem to be about the range, but rather the cell itself. Edited by jagscorpion
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As I mentioned, the distance arrows fly and hit something does not seem to be consistent in the game.


I had read that the cause is the uGrid system. Objects that have "physical" qualities so the PC can interact with them (ie: pick them up, fight with them, etc.) are limited to a maximum of 4 grids away in the PC's line of sight, the PC being located in the 5th grid. Anything outside of this distance is only visual, it is not a "physical" object. Objects within the 5 grid area may also be a visual object depending on what the object is, and it may be rendered differently than other objects in the same grid. So, shooting an arrow at something may see the arrow pass through it because it is rendered as a visual object, but the arrow strikes something behind that visual object because the object the arrow strikes is a "physical" object in the same grid. For example, you shoot at an NPC, but the NPC is rendered as a visual object only, and the arrow hits a wall behind the NPC because that wall is rendered as a physical object.


Whether or not this is true, I do not know, it is one explanation I have read on why arrows have limitations on distances and what they can hit at times. The object isn't actually there as an object, its just rendered to be visible.


All I can say is that at some locations I can hit something a pretty good distance away (Bard's Leap comes to mind), but then in some other location it seems that I can't hit something at 1/2 the distance I have made other shots at and have to get closer.

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I use archery quite a bit and am saddened at what Bethesda did to it. It is very flakey and unpredictable at ranges and to different critters. a mammoth is the worst trying to hit it. The hit box is not anything like the shape . I also dislike vertical arrows stading on point.
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Not from what I understand.


Changing the uGrid increases detail, it doesn't change objects. I have not found anything that suggests changing the uGrid makes a visual object a physical object or how the game handles objects. As pointed out by Brandy, not all objects are 100% there as you see them either. The "physical" object may be rather small in comparison to the entire "visual" object.


I would advise extreme caution on changing the uGrid number as even a small change has huge potential to make the game unplayable. Changing the uGrid is not a simple matter of changing the number, trying it and if it doesn't work just change it back and everything is OK again. The amount of detail in the game is regulated so the game runs smoothly. Increasing the detail could cause any number of problems from how game data is swapped between memory and harddrive to any number of video issues. The change may cause no problems in one area and totally crash the game in another as well.


I'm thinking it is just another limitation and poorly thought out aspect of the game that there is not actually a fix for.

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