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Ok I need a Sugestion on a new material type ....


I am making an advanced steel alloy that will allow for Akaviri steel work , Issgardean Steel weapons , the Akavirian steel Dovahmaar sword metalworking and upgrade and the Atlantean sword .


Also I wanted to introduce a Stalhrim weapon material ..



SO my idea was the following:


To not mess too much with the smithing and the many mods that do alter that I was thinking to add just perhaps a book or something that triggers a Global variable that will open the possibility to extend the steel smithing without requiring a perk for it so to have the Akavirian smithing , Issgardean Smithing and Stalhrim Smithing , just with a global variable update ... to be tested still


Techs :



Akavir Smithing Steel Folding techniques

Stalhrim glassworking and extractions techniques

Issgardean Smithing Stalhrim doping techniques

Dragonbone carving techniques



Akavirean Steel ( Steel smithing + Advanced armors ) + Akavir smithing Steel Folding Knowledge ( variable )

Folded Steel that is the several times Carbonized Steel ( Coal + Steel )


Akavirean Blade

Blades Armor






Issgardean Steel : (Steel smithing + glassworking + advanced armors )

requirements: 1-2 Stalrhim Ore Fragment + 2 Ingot steel as base


Atlantean Sword Requires (Atlantean Ancient Sword , 3 Steel Ingots , 1 Leather Stripes, 1 Snow Bear pelt , 2 Stalhrim fragments )

Issgardean Sword Requires ( 2 Steel Ingots , 1 Leather Stripes, 1 Stalhrim fragments )

Issgardean Great Sword Requires ( 3 Steel Ingots , 1 Leather Stripes, 2 Stalhrim fragments )

Issgardean Armor Light Requires ( 3 Steel Ingots , 1 Leather Stripes, 2 Stalhrim fragments )

Issgardean Armor Heavy Requires ( 4 Steel Ingots , 1 Leather Stripes, 3 Stalhrim fragments )

Issgardean Armor Full Requires ( 5 Steel Ingots , 1 Leather Stripes, 4 Stalhrim fragments )






Stalhrim ( Frosted Steel )( Steelsmithing + glassworking + arcane smithing )

10 Stalhrim fragments = 1 Ingot of Stalhrim

requirements: Stalrhim Ore Ingot + 2 Ingot steel as base


Stalhrim Rough Weapons

Stalhrim Polished Weapons


Akavirian Ancient Dragon Steel (glassworking + advanced armors + arcane smithing )+ Akavir smithing Steel Folding Knowledge ( variable )

requirements: 5 Stalrhim fragments + 2 Ingot Folded Steel as base + Dragon Blood vial


Tempering and reforging (3 Leather stripes, + 1 Dragon Horn , + 3 Steel Ingots, + 5 Stalrhim fragments, + Dragon Soul ( according to the Soul increases the strenght ) + treated Gem


Treated Gem:

+ Dragonblood Vial ( different type different magic ) + flawless gem


Elder Dragon Blood + Flawless Ruby (Fire) ,

Blood Dragon Blood + Flawless Emerald (Poisoncloud) ,

Frost Dragon Blood + Flawless Shappire (Frost ) ,

Ancient Dragon Blood Flawless Diamond (Lightning) ,

Revered Dragon Blood + Flawless Garnet (Paralyze) ,

Legendary Dragon Blood+ Flawless Amethist ( Soul Absorb ) ,




Issgardean Stalhrim According to Issgardean Lore:


Stalhrim Fragments are very rare and found only in special places in Issgard , ( eventually Solstheim ,

Stalhrim Issgardean Culture associate nothing religious to the ore and consider it a valuable resource for their special steel. 1 fragment is sufficent to create an improved steel

Fragments can be melted to an Ingot only in a Issgardean Forge .



Now for Lore experts I woudl like to know if this small piece of Local Lore could fit with Skyrim ....


Logic Behind :

Stalhrim is a special kind of Glass of Piroclastic origins, i'ts mostly derived by Carbonized Glass of a Ancient Cataclysm or Volcanic Origins ... The actual Stalhrim is Scattered in Solstheim due to the ancient Meteorite fall on Atmora , the debris created some special kind of glassified ore that was projected in the surrounding regions of Atmora ( solstheim Included ) , with the most been falling into ocean , some reached Issgard and Solstheim , but the most can be found inside some Ancient Glaciers or Icebergs in the north of Sea of Ghosts near to Atmora ...

What people Know :

now The Legend say that Stalhrim are Kyne Tears fallen to earth ,considered a blessing from the Goddess to help the Issgardean nords to face the Horrors lying beyond the Ice path in the north .



Skyforge Theory


The Skyforge Holds in it's inside a LArge piece of Stalhrim ore that allows the creation of the Celestial steel by forging at that special forge , it may allow so the creation also of Issgardean steel items halving the need of stalhrim pieces for excess.

Edited by PROMETHEUS_ts
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What about a combination of Obsidian (glassworking) and a Metoerite (iron or stone)..


Link might give ya an idea. The pallasite meteorite's look like a metal alloy merged in stone.. kinda cool




Keep up the good work :)


Nice Avatar...


As for the Meteoric , I 'like that but The Idea was to reintroduce Stalhrim with some possible logic behind it ... so the Stalhrim woudl be a mixture of vitrified metal mixture suddenly frozen by the atmorean climate providing so a light and strong structure resemblig that of crystal but hard as steel ....


while the Stalhrim intrusion fragments could be considered eventually even meteoric mineral used to strenghten steel with high carbon component.



Any chance you would give a rough guess on how close this is to a first release?


I have two ideas for a possible release :


1 Release it without developed full quest but only :


Developed cities with NPCS

First stage quest up to a certain point and release following parts as Episode updates

not many or very few locations in the island itself that also will be added with time in episodes


Possible in a couple of months


2 Release only when the main quest is completed

cities all completed and all location completed.


possible next year probably .

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L'idea alla base della forgiatura mi sembra ottima, e, se non ricordo male, qui sul nexus c'è un mod (mi sa qualcosa tipo lorecraft...) che permette proprio di apprendere perk dai libri, abilitando la forgiatura di determinate armi. Per quanto riguarda il modo in cui rilascerai il tuo mod credo che forse il metodo migliore sia creare un esm che aggiunge l'ambientazione completa, mentre aggiungere le quest tramite uno o più esp, separandole quindi dall'ambientazione.

Non ho idea di come si crei un esm, ma visto che molti mod sono in questo formato penso non sia difficilissimo...

Edited by Serindas
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I could but then it woun't benefit from an Issgardean forge polishing and materials , also woudl be a pretty simple Steel sword , while after polishing woudl rise to a higher level of strenght that is right under the daedric and comparably slightly higher than a celestial sword ....


The differences lies in the reach, slightly shorter than a great sword and lighter but with a more critical damage and slightly more damage


I may eventually add the option so that you can decide to use the ancient weapon to be crafted as a 1handed or 2 handed , once you decided tough there will no way to go back ... or eventually I may allowa reforce but then I may have to see ...


Unless someone points me to some creative script already made that allows the use ofa weapon as a 1 h or 2 h sword.

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Here another small Update of the "Heavy" version of the Issgardean guard armor ... this will be weared by officers ... eventually I have in the plans also a more rugged one without the decoration on the plate ...




so the Issgardean guard Will be :




Chainmail + chainmail hood ( sleeveless and with sleeves )




Chainmail + frontal plaques ( with chainmail hood ) + shoulderpads and greaves




Chainmail + Plate Cuirass ( with chainmail and metal helmet visor ) + Shoulder pads + Greaves



Extra :

for medium and heavy :

Chainmail gloves + armguard plate protection

Leatherboots with Metalplate protection

Chainmail Hood

Chainmail hood and helmet with visor

Metalplate helmet with chainmail facemask

Metalplate helmet with metal facemask

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che dire, semplicemente incredibile! sono curioso di vedere l' armatura degli ufficiali e quella del re texturizzata....


posso farti una domanda? tu cominci da un modello high poly fatto in 3dsmax/blender e poi lo porti in zbrush per i vari dettagli dello sculpting? o vai direttamente di sculpting e modifichi il corpo base di skyrim in zbrush?

Edited by frankdema
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