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Here is a Small update on the new Landmark Structure a bridge three times longer than the previous , as it was needed by the landscape now ... what do you think ? You can also see a reconstructed undestroyed nordic tower ..



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http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/blink.gif hai creato una terra molto vasta, interessante e caratterizzata. Personalmente non vedo l'ora di poter giocare ad Issgard. Ottimo lavoro finora http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif
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Here is a Small update on the new Landmark Structure a bridge three times longer than the previous , as it was needed by the landscape now ... what do you think ? You can also see a reconstructed undestroyed nordic tower ..





It looks great! Like your whole project does. The only thing I could mention as a kind of critisism: The bridge looks a lttle bit monotone on this length. I would love to see some details added on the bridge. Like an archway in the middle, with some banners fluttering in the wind. You could do the same thing on both ends of the bridge. It wouldn't effect how it looks in general, but it would add some nice detail to it.

I always love to see, how this project developes and I'm looking forward to release. Good luck, to you.

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Thanks , here is just a Little Brainstorming for something I was thinking of ...


Varheimgard is the Capital of issgard and using somehow the Farmhouse buildings kind of look cheap ... Sure it's built over ancient and solid nordic walls and structures and most of the city is carved into stone , but is it good to stick with tatched roofs? Or I should go for a slight direction change ?


Here is a Brainstorming on how coudl look the Renewed Castle palace shifting from Farmhouse style build up mixed in nord structures to a Whiterun style build up mixed still with nordic structures ...

what do you think inspires more awe?


keep present that then I will have tho shift the whole city style into that kind of roofing ...


I may still go for retexturing some parts and give a more gritty look to the whiterun buildings and as well to the farmhouse ones ...


So the points to answer are :


1 what inspires more Awe?

1 what fits best with the massivew nord structures?

3 what is more impressing?


Ofc the picture show just a bunch of stuff placed randomply almoust to build up a shape ... then all gets refined ... that's the way I work , make sketch ups then delete and rebuild well when I am satisfied ...



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Lo stile delle mura delle antiche strutture dei nord a mio parere si sposa bene con le fattorie, soprattutto per una questione di colori ed estetica generale, mentre gli edifici di Whiterun mi sembrano troppo distaccati, a livello di colpo d'occhio.

Diverso è però il parere se analizziamo il tutto dal punto di vista della maestosità, poichè in quel caso vince lo stile di Whiterun, molto curato, con tetti che svettano verso l'alto, conferendo slancio e maestosità molto maggiori alla struttura.


Io, personalmente, preferisco l'impatto di insieme delle fattorie, ma, qualora tu optassi per gli edifici nello stile di Whiterun, ti consiglierei di rivedere la pattern dei colori delle texture, poichè quella che attualmente usano crea un eccessivo senso di distacco dalle antiche architetture nord.

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