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There is nothing that annoyes me more than use and reuse the same statues over and over and see them proiferate in all mods , unforutnately it's also a needed thing that most modders can only reuse the statues , so I usually when I do not have new ones I try to not use unless are just decorative ... but unique statues should never be used in mods in my opinions because make them be no more "unique" ...


So here is my attempt to "remake" a Talos statue , reinterpreted in Issgardian look ...



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i agree with you, sometimes statues are over used, however your statue is amazing, i've made a statue for one of my mods, a statue with a character using the armor that comes with the mod, it's cool, but you always have that fear of breaking the lore and in some way making it too much unique, in a way that can upset the player....but however, it's funny to do clutters and static objects so why not? eheheheheh


speaking of icy, it would be cool if you can make an icy variation of the staue and put it in one of the glacial zones of issgard, you know like one big glacial argonaut like the ones in the lord of the rings, that would give you a great easter egg and a new interesting location for the player to explore....


scusa se ogni tanto commento in italiano :D mi viene spontaneo visto che conosco la tua nazionalità ahahah :D

Edited by frankdema
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The idea is to have a gemini statue colossus on the entrance of the issgardea nfjords of those ones . while a smaller version instead used as detail statue perhaps in city ... different textures may assure at least a different look , beeing the first two based on the rocks of mountains and the second on a granitic rock ...


broken version are also done ...


So is Kind of modular ...





Edited by PROMETHEUS_ts
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great! that is just what i thought.... the two gemini at the entrance of the fjord would look amazing, sometimes this game lacks in locations that may leave you speechless, and the sight of titanic statues may leave you speechless and give you that fantasy worlld theme that an rpg player always likes :D....great job on this, it's definetely worth spending some time sculpting and texturing it :D and i know how much work you would have to put in it... but look at the bright side, at the end of the day since it is stone you don't have to make env maps and cube maps for it :D
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So I can place two under the bridge prospicent each other , one may have a brokenhead perhaps ...


or One at the very beginning of the island Fjord as kind of lonely guardian ...


Or even all of them , but I do not want to be too repetitive ....


to you guys the comments and opinions ...



The Lonely colossus


The Gemini Colossi

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what a spectacular work, the position is perfect! the idea of putting them as some type of column that stand up the bridge is just amazing and very well played.

i think that this two should be the only ones, you know at that point it would not be so unique if you place too much of them....

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Anche a mio parere è meglio lasciare solo i due colossi gemelli. Per quanto riguarda quello solitario lo sostituirei con un faro o con una diversa statua che abbia però la stessa funzione (alla stessa maniera di come si pensa fosse il colosso di Rodi).


English ver.:

In my opinion it's better to insert only the two twins colossi. I would replace the lonely one with a lighthouse or with another kind of statue that work like a lighthouse.

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I already made a broken head and brokens hands/sword version , withe the massive head to be placed on ground .... So perhaps the lonely version is suitsble for tat while the bridge ones left unbroke to perhaps testify a non collapse of the civilization there?



So there would be 3 colossi in total is it not too much?


The same. Satue I tought to do with different texture like sculptured granite a decorative on ... I dont want to exagerate tough to not ruin as said befoure the uniwuity feel .... The statue could hold a real sword in th normal sized version perhaps....



I wanted to make also at least other 2 different statues to be used as decoration .... If anyone has any shpe position , sugestion on the subject , the pose , the theme etc would be very cool ...



Or also or other special landmark sites on the island , something that stands out to be easily recognized ....,


One other LM i tought was omething like the russian seven Pillars of the weathering and a stonheng like structure


As said I all open to urther sugestions ...

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well regarding the subjects people always love statue that tell stories, look at the donatello's david or michelangelo's david, i mean we all kknow what david has done, but each artist tries to represent him as he would be after the battle against goliath.

in addition i feel like there is way too much attention to the gods in skyrim and less attention to the heroes of the land ( except ysgramor of course)

so perhaps you could make a maximum of 2 other statues but that tell a story, like an hero that is in pose after winning his most important battle.





this was the statue i made for my mod, nothing special...in fact it is pretty basic as my skills but it is a good way to show you what i mean because my english is awful and i don't want to write in italian so everyone can understand....if you want i can come up with some visual concept, i'd be glad to help in some way, only problem is that i don't have a graphic tablet so i would have to draw on the classical paper and send you some photo or scanner image :D

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Sure go on.... The idea and pose is also nice .... Perhaps a troll killer statue ... But apart that I tought to need more some more generic ones to be used and reused around as well... Edited by PROMETHEUS_ts
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