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Permanently Silenced


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One of my mods somewhere managed to permanently silence my character.


I have played for many game weeks, and still have the effect... it is permanent.


I have tried Dispel, both with Potion and Spell Effect, but neither has any effect.



Does anybody know how to Un-Silence a Permanently Silenced character?

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No, wrong tool for the job. :smile:


I have FormID Finder, but in the case of being silenced, there are no Forms to ID.



"You are currently silenced."


What do you do now? Where are you going to use FormId Finder?


I have a feeling that I know which mod was the culprit, but disabling it had no effect because Actor Values are stored in the Save Game, so once set, it doesn't matter if the offending mod is active or not.



I hadn't realized that "Silence" was an Actor Value. As soon as I realized this, the solution was simple.


Player.SetAV Silence 0

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