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Coming back to Skyrim (Couldn't think of a title) sse vs classic


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Been out of modding Skyrim since jeez before Fallout 4 or maybe when the vampire dlc launched.
Anyways the question.

I've done several hours of youtube watching of mod reviews to see what was new cause I wanted to get back into Skyrim and modding it.

There were mentions of the old Skyrim and the "newer" special edition version.

Nexusmods.com has two sections of mods for both classic Skyrim and SSE.

So from what little I gathered the Skse is in alpha or beta, mods from one type don't work on the other, there are less mods on SSE, but SSE is a more stable upgraded version to play, it might be a long time before some authors port their mod if at all ever?

At this point does it look like they will be able to further skse development or will they be hindered?

This semi division is confusing sorry.

With my limited knowledge and absence from all of this for so long, will I be better off sticking to classic Skyrim and playing like I used to or is everyone gradually switching over to SSE and going to stop modding classic Skyrim?

I'm not sure how many mods became reliant on Skse over the years.

At this point in time is it something along the lines of classic Skyrim ( complex mods ) vs SSE ( simpler mods )?

Simple might not be the best descriptor.

If it helps at all I used to really like using mods that change combat and difficulties. I like better texture mods but I was usually more into the mods that changed how the game worked.

I have both so purchasing isn't a determining factor for me.


Sorry if that was a messy word vomit of a post. Thanks for any advice or suggestions.

Edited by Exoeros
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most mods with scripts require skse. even basic ones required by a lot of others such as skyui (so no mcm), race menu, and fuz ro d'oh. special edition's 64-bit so you can get away with a lot more resource-wise. combat and difficulty mods would probably require skse unless they only use a plugin (they just change the frequency of different behaviors... like a few changes to one record). i wouldn't personally want to live without mods like perma, immersive citizens, alternate start, frostfall, hunterborn... etc. maybe things will change later, maybe not. some mods may never be for special edition.

Edited by ymf331
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Gotcha ty. I'll stick to classic skyrim then till things pick up in the future on the special edition.


SKSE64 works fine despite being "in Alpha". More SKSE dependent mods are being converted every day also:


Alternate Start: Live Another Life SE


Immersive Citizens SE


Frostfall SE


Hunterborn SE


Sky UI 5.2 SE


Reality is, Skyrim SE is already the 5th highest modded game on the Nexus. There's plenty out there for it, including the files the previous poster mentioned as essential. Don't settle for an unstable mess that can't handle heavy mod lists or make use of your full system architecture. There are tutorials out there on how to convert ANY OldRim mod to SE for your personal use also. SKSE dependent ones are a little tricky, but it can all be done.


The ONLY real drawbacks are that you have to use NMM becasue Mod Organizer doesn't work with SE (at least without some major tinkering by my understanding). The latest versions of NMM have everything MO had anyway. Also that a couple of times, Bethesda has temporarily broken the game with updates to their damned creation club zaibatsu.

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