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adding weapons in the testinghall


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ok thanks its just beacause i switched mace of molag bal for the sword I named Tyrael's Longsword and I want to put mace of molag bal back in the testinghall. And how can I put this new weapons in the tesitnghall I'm new with the TES construction set
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How to create a new item in the Oblivion Construction Set without overwriting an existing vanilla item. An illustrated tutorial by Nephenee13.


First, open the CS, I will be doing it via the Wrye Bash Shortcut.


Wait for the CS to completely load.


Next, Load Oblivion.esm. First click the Folder Icon at the top, which will bring up the Data box, double click on "Oblivion.esm" so there is an 'X' mark on it, then hit OK. Wait for the CS to load Oblivion.esm, this may take a minute or two.


Now, we are going to make a new sword, so in the "Objects" window, navigate to "Items -> Weapons -> Weapons", which will probably be one of a number of already expanded subdirectories. We are going to base our new sword on the Elven Longsword, so scroll down the list of weapons till you see "WeapElvenLongSword", and right click on it, a menu will pop up, select "Edit".


Now, here is the most important part. The box that pops up has all the important properties of the weapon. The box that says "ID" is the Editor ID, you MUST change this. Change it to something you will remember, but do not start it with a number, it also may not contain special characters, punctuation or spaces. If you wish to use your own model, you can choose a new one from the top rightmost button, but we will not be doing that. I'm going to change the ID of mine to "NephsElvenSword". The box below that is the name that actually shows up in the game, note I called it "Nephenee's Sword of Smiting" and also changed the properties to make it rather uber. Now hit "OK"


You will get a warning pop up, asking you if you want to create a new form. This tends to scare people, but this is DEFINITELY what you want to do, so hit "Yes".


Now back at the Objects window, scroll to the EditorID of your new weapon, as you can see mine is now listed under "NephsElvenSword". In the "Count" column you will note that it lists "0", and more importantly has an Asterisk next to the number. The Asterisk indicates that the item is something added or changed by your mod. Very important to keep an eye on just what has asterisks next to it.


Now, go to the "Cell View" window and navigate down to the"TestingHall" and double click on it. This will load the Testing Hall cell into the render window. Navigating the Render Window is beyond the purview of this tutorial, so I highly suggest you go and read "A Beginner's Guide, lesson 1 - The Construction Set Primer" On the Construction Set Wiki for a lesson on how to use and manipulate the Render Window.


Back? Great! Now following the lessons you learned there, drag your new sword into the Testing Hall and lay it on the floor


Now, save your plugin, by hitting the "save" button in the CS and name it something distinctive, mine is "NephsSwordOfSmiting.esp"


Activate your mod in your mod manager and start Oblivion. Once you are up and running, load a savegame. Hit "~" to activate the console, then type "coc testinghall" to warp to the Testing Hall. Somewhere on the ground you should find your sword


Lets take a look at it. Everything looks great! Now lets go confirm we didn't mess up the Elven Longsword, so head to the Weapon Warehouse door. Lets take a look at the Elven Longsword. Has it been altered? Nope! Its the same as always


So there you go. Thats how to add a new item to Oblivion, using an existing item as a base, without overwriting that item. Similar procedures work for Armor, and for adding your own containers to put your new items in. The most important part is to change the "ID" field, that tells the CS you are making a new item and not editing an existing item. I hope this helps!

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In the Object window list left click and hold your newly made sword. Move the mouse down to the Render window, which if you followed Nephenee13's nicely detailed instructions will already have the Testinghall open. When you get the sword positioned approximately where you want it release your left mouse button. Press the 'F' key and it will fall to the floor of the Testinghall unless something is in the way and stops it from falling all the way.


If you followed Nephenee13's advice to read the Beginner's Guide Lesson 1 you shouldn't need this advice.

Edited by Striker879
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