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New design constructive feedback


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just at the time you have a new design for your side, i can't read the user's comments of all mods etc. Why?


the Screen goes on the right side over my 27 inches Monitor and no way to can scroll left or right.



If i take the view of the favorites off, then the Screen Comes al Little bit to the left side, but i can't see the complete text.



And by the way:



After download a mod i go one step back with the arrow button on my browser to search on the last side i was, but every time the side jump to side one. Then i can't everything klick on, no button goes. I must reload the side, then i can step by step through the sides, but if then download the next mod and then Comes this Problem again.


Sorry for my bad english, i'm not english.


On the old side design was this all not. The old one was perfect. Why do you make a perfect side new?

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I also have to say, that navigation on the new webside-layout is a mess. It is to heavy to spot stuff on the front page, since there are just too many big boxes and no real layout, just a cluster of everything. I would love if you guys would stay with the old design, since everything was cleaner and more comfortable for the eyes.

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Hello People of Nexusmods,


today i red your notice that the old Website layout will be taken down sometime around 12th February. Ever since i got a first look at the new design i hated it. Sorry about that. The new look is ... bland. Grey in Grey with greenish grey and so on. Even the Pictures of the Mods in the lists have a greyish overlay which makes looking at them awkward. If i could, i would wish for the old Layout to stay online. I would even pay for that. Same as i pay for better DL Speed. No difference. I know that you will shut down the old layout, but please... at least... make the Pictures lookable!!!



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Awesome Nexus! I'm glad to see you're handling this criticism quite well! A lot of people express displeasure towards the new layout and instead of making it a feature to switch between layouts to let people have the choice, your response is to just force them to use the new layout by getting rid of the old one.


Keep it classy, my dudes.~

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  On 1/9/2018 at 8:03 PM, twowolves80 said:


  On 1/9/2018 at 3:45 PM, GreyHorizon said:


  On 1/9/2018 at 10:24 AM, Da2kn3ss said:

this thread in a nutshell:


Poster1 - new layout is godawful

dev Response - no FU u r wrong new layout is gud


Poster2 - *insert actually constructive feedback*

dev ignores it


seems to me the devs are over attached to this new layout even though most don't like it and refuse to admit and/or change it because of their attachment to it. and that this thread is less about receiving constructive feedback or criticism and more about trying to get others to pat them on the back with how dismissive they are to anything other than "oh em gee it looks good!"


honestly. the new layout is one step forward, and then so many steps backwards you walked out the front door and into a street and thus got hit by a bus.



totally agree on this. Same thing happened to last fm. Devs keep making same mistakes over again


Tsk, I tells ya...Members keep making the same mistakes over and over again by not reading the OP. So here, I'll spell it out with the big red crayon:


1. Old site is going the way of the dodo because it's too expensive and labor-intensive to have two sites showing the same information. Modders would have to create two different mod pages for a single mod. Vortex will not be integrated into the old design.


2. This thread is for posting glitches and other broken features so that the dev (and notice, there's no apostrophe and "s" after that) can comb through the threads to find issues that need addressing. Idiotic comments like, "This site sux balls, you're breaking Nexus, I'm leaving and never coming back," et cetera, are probably going to be ignored as they provide no useful information to the dev.


3. The old site is not coming back, so no amount of bitching, wheedling, whining, crying, ranting, threatening to leave, cussing out Dark0ne or the admins, or rant-posting is going to bring it back. Dark0ne gave everyone a chance to vote on the new website a half year ago or so (and I'll admit, I'm one of the ones who missed that post) so that people could post ideas they'd want to see integrated into the new site. The only response was crickets and a few, scattered bits of feedback. Therefore, for those who were here at that time, guess what? You have nothing to say about anything that Dark0ne decides to do about the new site because you had your chance and missed it, and he's not going to bring back that thread simply to satisfy you.


4. If you think a poll would provide some dramatic new light on the situation that you're just sure would show that the majority wants the old site back, go for it. I'll get the popcorn and laugh. You, who are not the site owner, do not get to dictate demands just because you and a bunch of loud-mouth malcontents are unhappy because no one addressed your concerns directly. Dark0ne deals with, on average, I'd say at least a thousand messages a day he has to comb through. He doesn't have time for that s***, and neither do any of the other admins who are otherwise working behind the scenes to make sure Vortex is delivered on time and as solidly as possible so that they can then focus their attention on the website, as was stated very clearly in the OP.


Robin owns the site. Robin decides what goes. Robin makes the rules. It's that simple. You can either choose to be a part of the new design by helping to brainstorm ideas to make it better, or you can fall by the wayside and moan about how it isn't exactly to your liking.


  On 1/9/2018 at 4:06 PM, Avastgard said:

I really think you should add a funcionality to allow tagging mods for later download. I've lost count of how many times I saw a mod while browsing on a computer other than the one I play on or on my phone (thus was not able to download the mod) and had no other option to remember that mod later other than by tracking it.


The problem with tracking is that there is no option to sort the mods in the order you tracked them, so the mod I wanted to remember to download later ends up in the middle of hundreds of other mods I am already tracking, so it's very difficult to find that one mod again if you don't remember its name.


That seems like a simple funcionality to implement, like Youtube's Watch Later list. Hell, we don't even have the option to mark mods as favorites, which is something you can do pretty much everywhere else on the internet.

Vortex is slated to be able to do this, which is why mobile was integrated. That way, you could look at the mods on your phone, star them, and then when you get back to your pc, they would either be waiting in your download queue, or would download automatically as soon as you opened Vortex.


"This thread is for posting glitches and other broken features" - this thread is for feedback. gg wp owned tl:dr

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