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CTD on two different rigs, mods/no mods [Spoilers]


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I'm having an issue with the game as of late. When the game was released my wife got it for me, not realizing my potato wouldn't run it very well if at all...core2duo e8500, 8gb ddr2 6400, 8600gts 256mb, 1tb HDD...so I ran down to Fry's and scooped up a cheap GT 720 (I think, either that or GT 730) that a buddy swore worked as he ran it with fallout 4...well it did, but at very low fps. So, I waited, and when an R7 250 2gb went on sale for $40 I grabbed that, now i'm up to medium settings...but FPM showed the cpu was bottlenecking. Okay, it still plays, and at 20-30 fps with occasional drops to 15, tolerable for now. At this point I'm running probably 100 mods, mostly weapon and armor mods. No crashes at all, got bored with side quests and decided to work on the main quest. All is good until I kill Kellogg and the BOS show up in force...now VATS causes CTDs, pressing A too much (like taking cover, then popping out to fire back) causes CTDs, Vertibirds cause CTDs. So, I delete everything and start over, same problem, mods or no mods, CTDs!

Enter my new rig, it was $50 so I couldn't pass it up: AMD FX-8350 4.0Ghz, 8gb DDR3 12800, 750gb HDD, R7 250 2gb. Install Fallout 4, and alas, CTDs, same as before!


So, is it an issue with both rigs? The only thing they shared was the R7 250 2gb GPU.


Is it a mod issue? Although it occurred so randomly after being stable with those mods for so long? and Does it without them as well?


Is it a game issue related to the BOS arriving? In which case how can I prevent it, and why doesn't it affect everyone?



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On arrival of the BOS a huge load of new scripts take place in the game. So the engine has much more work to do at this point. But your CPU "should" handle that. Not well, but it should.

The real bottleneck is your GPU-Memory with only 2GB. My first suggestion would be to upgrade to 16GB RAM (thats the cheapest upgrade) and install ENBBOOST, aligning some of the system memory to the video-system.

FO4 is really hungry for video-RAM.


Do you run loot on your mod-setup?

And do you use the unofficial patch?

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You have only 10GB of RAM combined That's what FO4 eats on average, with spikes of over 12GB (1080p). Lowering setting will make no difference. Only a lower resolution will use less RAM.


Get ENBoost to make the game use system RAM as Video RAM. Of the 8GB System RAM you have, 5GB can be set to be used with ENBoost. The other 3GB is needed for OS and whatever runs in the background.

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My monitor doesn't support anything higher than 1680x1050. Seeing as the game recommendations are 8GB RAM, I would think that would be fine. Watching resources I'm not seeing any spikes.

Well, I've been monitoring V-RAM and System Ram use for 18 months, from the release of the game until I stopped playing months ago. I'm using MSI Afterburner to show the numbers on the display of my keyboard.


In FO4 I'm using an average of 4.5 to 5GB of System RAM (including 2.7GB for the OS and stuff) and 7.5GB of Video RAM. The spikes are there, too. I especially bought a GPU that has 8GB of RAM because my R7970 Lightning 3GB card couldn't handle the game because of insufficient V-RAM. CTD every ten minutes.


Of course, playing at a lower resolution would lessen the burden, but when starting to use mods that 2GB of V-RAM will prove to not be enough.


I told you in another thread what to look for when getting a new GPU. In your original post here you mention you bought a GT720 or 730. Those cards are garbage for gaming. You need a GPU with at least a 60 at the end when talking NVidia.


Same goes for that R7 250. R7 is the third tier within the R family (the top being R9, mid-tier is R8) and within that tier you have the fifth strongest card. You need at least an 80 at the end, the top being 290, then 280, 270, 260 etc.


So, that R7 250 is the weakest link, even for the resolution at which you play...

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So I got fpm working, loaded an older save, and it runs longer now, but freezes the pc after about 12 minutes. cpu @ low usage/temp, gpu at high usage/normal temp, ram at 2.5gb, vram at 1.5gb. I have noticed my disk usage likes to spike...

Back to square one: start using ENBoost...

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You probably can benefit from using more page file than you probably have. Page file is a fancy name for virtual memory. There are methods for this, but I will give the quick method. You will have to do some conversion, but it's really easy. I'll throw the math in for free. The math is easy, convert your gigs of memory to megs. 8 gig of memory is 8,192. 16 is 16,384. These are significant. Take those numbers, unless you have either 12 or something else, then it's not that hard, it's your number of gigs times 1,024. Then take that, and multiple it by 1.5. For 8 gigs of memory, you need to adjust your virtual memory to 12,288 mb. To make changes, right click on My Computer, then properties. On the left hand side, at the bottom, you should have Advanced Settings. A new window will pop up. Click on Advanced tab. Then under Performance, click settings. Then click on Advanced, and then change the virtual memory. You don't want windows to automatically handle this. You put in the numbers you get, in Custom size, both min and max. Reboot, and you should be a little better off.

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