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Random Crashes


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Everything I saw in the "FalloutNV_Error.log EDITED" file was a "warning" type message targeted at the mod creator. Not something you can typically fix yourself. However, there is some evidence that too much console spamming of error messages can cause the game to crash so you would probably want to see about reducing those messages as much as possible. Those would be the "texture" warnings indicating some "dds"/"nif" file was not found. Those indicate missing "art assets", which are typically either loose files or in a mod specific BSA.


See "Windows Exception code: 0xc0000005" for possible resolution to this common error. The "Faulting Application" is often the victim of another program rather than the actual culprit, making it virtually impossible for the user to trace the source. Any recent update since the last time it was working correctly is suspect, as are viruses even if you have anti-virus (AV) running. Run AV from multiple sources when checking for infections. Shut down all possible background applications. By running Steam in "offline mode" you won't need to be running AV either.

Also, remember that when you "verify local files" you are resetting the "Fallout_default.ini" and losing any changes you made to it previously. Double check that those changes are still in place. "Verify" is not the same as "re-install". Please see the 'Game INI files', and 'Restoring to "Vanilla"' entries in the 'First Timer Advice' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.


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Well I updated YUP and CASM, since there were updates. I can dump Bueno texture updates in favor of NMC. Would have to uninstall NV Bounties II to stop the radio warnings that flood the log. At least until someone releases a bug fix for those radio stations. Bleh. As I would have to reinstall it just before finishing NV Bounties I and need to keep it on after for NV Bounties III and any content from II and III I wanted to keep. Hmm.
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I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on a patch for any of the NVB mods. The author moved on quite a while ago. Other than mod specific "unique" items, you don't need to keep others in the series in play once completed. They are stand-alone.


Don't think all those "radio station" errors are from NVB anyway. I was able to complete NVB 1-3 despite them (though I did have issues, I only had to hack NVB3). Be sure to install "JIP LN NVSE plugin v51.60" or later; or mod "Timescale Pacemaker" by '''Asterra''' to fix a game timekeeping bug.


I've got a 20MB "Falloutnv_error.log", and it cuts off mid-line as well without a CTD. So it's more likely that is related to simply exiting the game cutting off the log mid-write.


I am using both NMC and Beuno (installed in that order). I recall (your "Pastebin" link is no longer active) some were "LOD" textures, which suggest you need to run FNVLODGen. Please see the 'LOD/VWD Texture Packs' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.


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Really? As NV Bounties II is mod 21 so all of it's assets, cells, etc, are 21xx and those radio references are 21xx all of them. And I'll poke at the FNV Lod Gen thing. Will the Timescale mod fix my hardcore needs being stuck at 0? Just wish I knew what was causing the crashes. I even updated NVAC and no luck. >.<


Edit: According to the Timescale mod desc page


'Timescale Pacemaker

Forces an internal variable, GameDaysPassed, to obey the true game days passed, which it inherently fails to do. This fixes many timing issues, particularly for those who have tweaked their Timescale.

Note that as of JIP LN NVSE Plugin version 51.60 (yes, less than a week after I finalized this mod), the same idea was incorporated into said plugin. If you use NVSE and the newest JIP, you do not need this mod. Using both together won't break anything, but would be entirely redundant. This mod remains useful for anyone who can't or won't use NVSE. '


So as I use JP LN NVSE 52.50 it should be incorporated?

Edited by llloyd
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Yes, the latest JIP LN NVSE have the timescale fix. I believe it also fixes some other issues related to rounding errors due to different degrees of precision in the vanilla game, beyond the scope of PaceMaker. And it will indeed solve your hardcore needs issue. That is part of what led to it's discovery. The latest JIP versions have been fixing a number of base game engine bugs. Well worth keeping track of and updating.


Your conclusion about NVB II being the source of the radio references is sound. They simply hadn't been a problem for me, so I never connected the two, and without your "load order" had no way to spot that in the log. That sort of error is fairly common, even in vanilla. They appear to be the result of uncompleted implementation ideas.



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Except I hadn't update JIP until after the Hardcore needs froze at zero and it hadn't restarted after. Now, at this particular point I am doing OWB so maybe, hopefully, after I finish that up ? But, essentially, I am getting the feeling I am going to have to just live with the crashes, there isn't anything that can be pointed to as causing the crashes. I've updated NVAC, NVSR is updated, updated CASM, switched to NMC, did the LOD thing, updated JIP NV NVSE, updated YUP, updated NVSE, changed the Loot menu mod to Gribs version, and it still crashes at random.

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Just today learned that if you have the Win10 "Fall Creator's Update" (FCU) and are using NVSR's "hook criticals" option (which is required to use it's "heap size" and algorithms) it can now suddenly cause CTDs. Please see the 'Issue: Recent (post-Win10 FCU) CTDs after 10-20 minutes of play' entry in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.

Re: Hardcore needs. From Nukipedia:

When beginning the Dead Money add-on while on Hardcore mode, the player will wake up in the Villa with all Hardcore meters at zero, proceeding at normal rate from that point, but the SLP meter will be stuck at zero unless the player finds a bed and sleeps.


The cause is still unknown, but sometimes one or more of the Hardcore needs (such as H2O, FOD, SLP) will disappear, and will not even indicate a 0 integer. But you can fix it by going into the options then turning hardcore off/on again and that will reset all of your needs to 0. But this seems to be a redundant problem once it happens the first time, and starts upon loading a save. A way to fix it is to make a backup save, and delete the old file.

Another fix for the above bug is to use an item that increases/decreases the meter of said needs (i.e. if 0 integer is missing in SLP then take a nap and the integer will reset to 0).

If the above tips do not work the first time, you may need to initiate them more than once.


Edit: Jazzisparis just released JIP LN NVSE Version 52.60, in which *** NVSE versions older than 5.1b1 are no longer supported ***

Also: Fixed an issue with the 'bHardcoreNeedsFix' optional patch which, on certain conditions, could cause hardcore needs to freeze and stop increasing.



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Alright, setting bHookCriticalSections = 0 in the NVSR ini file.


And presently using 52.50 of JIP LN NVSE so I'll update that too, my NVSE is 5.1B1 , the last stable release. So all good there. Will test that tomorrow when I have time to give it a good run and see.


Thanks again. :D


Edit: Though I am wondering ... My FNV4Gb is a stand alone .exe I nabbed years ago, umm, July 2015 if the File Creation date is relevant. I see there are newer versions on the Nexus, like one updated Jan 2017. As far as I am aware it shouldn't make any difference but ... Does it?

Edited by llloyd
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Alright, so, no crashes so far but it does now stutter. Bleh. Damned if I do and damned if I don't. Also the hardcore needs are working again and keep working while in a DLC zone, like, they started to work while I was still doing OWB. Now I am doing Honest Hearts and they're still going. This should make Dead Money ... 'amusing'... Good thing I have Willow. I can load her down with food and water before starting Dead Money. >.<

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Alright, so, no crashes so far but it does now stutter. Bleh. Damned if I do and damned if I don't. Also the hardcore needs are working again and keep working while in a DLC zone, like, they started to work while I was still doing OWB. Now I am doing Honest Hearts and they're still going. This should make Dead Money ... 'amusing'... Good thing I have Willow. I can load her down with food and water before starting Dead Money. >.<


For the stuttering try disabling Superfetch in windows, users including myself have noticed a reduction in stutter after doing so https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5930123-stuttering-when-turning-camera/

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