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CTD on crafting menu


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I've got a - somewhat mysterious- problem. When entering the furniture tab in the crafting menu I've got "appliances" and "beds" as nos 1 and 2. No problem. But when trying to go into no 3 "containers" I get instant CTD.

All of the other crafting tabs are good to go. House building, defense, power etc etc.

Is there an easy way to check for conflicts? Or do I have to run through umpteen mods using FO4edit? I've got 69 active plugins.

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Such a crash usually means there's items in there of which the meshes are missing (not textures: that would show items in purple without a crash). Can happen with mods that share assets but the mod on which those assets are depending is missing or the names of items don't match. I have no experience with xedit and the couple of occasions I had such an issue I figured it out by checking assets and the mods responsible. It took a while but I got there in the end...


Someone more kowledgable in all things xedit might give you a more satisfying answer.

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