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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Yes, but after being honorably discharged, my character began to work as a freelance mercenary, and I was hoping to write in some animosity with Cerberus, the battle of Omega will provide a very good scenario in which to do this.
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Yes, but after being honorably discharged, my character began to work as a freelance mercenary, and I was hoping to write in some animosity with Cerberus, the battle of Omega will provide a very good scenario in which to do this.


If I read your Bio right, though, you said he rejoined the Alliance when they were desperate for recruits once the reapers hit. Which wouldn't put him over by Omega unless his superiors wanted him there.


Edit: Correction, your old Bio.

Edited by ShadowGrebacier
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Yes, but after being honorably discharged, my character began to work as a freelance mercenary, and I was hoping to write in some animosity with Cerberus, the battle of Omega will provide a very good scenario in which to do this.


If I read your Bio right, though, you said he rejoined the Alliance when they were desperate for recruits once the reapers hit. Which wouldn't put him over by Omega unless his superiors wanted him there.


Edit: Correction, your old Bio.


Yeah, I decided to change it a bit considering I haven't actually joined the RP storyline yet, and it would help to get into it, because not much is happening with the Alliance Navy right now, and I don't want to add another side story that is fairly unrelated to what is going on with everyone else.


Edit: posting tomorrow hopefully, as I am going to bed soon...

Edited by leirynot
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You could be on our ship that's heading to Thessia, but again I don't know how you could join me and Mythic, unless your on a bounty or contract maybe? I dunno. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Duly noted. Although that doesn't stop Aliance from joining in on the battle. You coud have always hitched a ride on the Vancouver, considering Hackett ordered her to Omega to assist Aria and Co. taking the station back from Cerberus, dealing a major blow to their fleets and building on the alliance Shep. made with her.


Course, the order could always be shot down in it's planning stages for being too risky, a waste of resources, etcetera, etcetera.


Edit: This is all going on the Idea that your char rejoined the Alliance.

Edited by ShadowGrebacier
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Indeed, you could always RP with yourself until you meet one of the characters. I don't really think that is a good way though, tends to get boring on your end. However, you could maybe intercept the ship for suspension of holding fugitives? Again this is more of your story then mine. It would add the immersion to the RP though, which is always nice.
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Since TheBest didn't talk about my character's whereabouts...


He's currently going on literally two Pilgrimages, one for Aria and other one is the normal thing (to be reinstated). He has crash-landed in Omega near Afterlife, Aria rescued him and Vael helped with retaking Afterlife. After that, he escapes Omega by buying a ship worth 1500 creds. with Hari'Barel (Me) with Aria trying to get the 'debt' payed. They fly to the Citadel, are greeted by the Asari Councilor and offers to pay Aria back. Now Vael is on the Citadel looking for something of value, while Hari is configuring the Omega-bought ship's AI to her liking. The first post you made in the RP says you're going to the bar (forgot its name) on the Citadel, so maybe Vael could meet you there?

Edited by 62firelight
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