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[LE] Help with a simple issue compiling a script


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I'm new to papyrus scripting and am having some trouble transitioning from Oblivion script, which I was pretty good at years ago. I've spent a couple nights going over the beginner scripting tutorials on the CS website. I've tried applying what I've learned from them to create a script that forces a third person camera when the player's weapon is drawn, and then forces a first person camera when sheathed. Pretty simple. The script is attached to a quest that auto starts when the game loads. But what I have so far isn't compiling. I'm getting a couple of errors that have me stumped. Here's what it looks like:


Scriptname shCameraScript extends Actor 
{Script for forcing the camera in or out depending on if the player has a weapon drawn.}

bool WeaponOut = player.isweapondrawn()

Function ForceFirstPerson() global

  if WeaponOut == true
  elseif WeaponOut == false


And the compiler output says this:


Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "shCameraScript"...
C:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\shCameraScript.psc(4,17): no viable alternative at input 'player'
C:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\shCameraScript.psc(4,23): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input '.'
C:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\shCameraScript.psc(4,5): Unknown user flag player
No output generated for shCameraScript, compilation failed.

Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on shCameraScript


Not really sure what to do at this point.

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There's at least two errors here:


1. When declaring a variable value outside of a function or event, it must be a literal: A specific string, integer, float, etc.

2. If you fix that, your script will do nothing, since nothing will call your function; you'll need to hook into an event of some sort to call it. Offhand I don't know of any that trigger on weapon draws and sheathing, but you might be able to register for animation events and use those. It's not an area I'm especially familiar with, though.

Edited by foamyesque
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Here is an untested but compiles without error example of how one can get something to take place when the player draws and sheathes their weapon.



Scriptname CameraSwitchOnWeaponUse extends Quest

Actor PlayerRef 	;local variable to reference the player
Bool CIF = false 	;local variable to reference camera state - CIF stands for Camera In First

Event OnInit()
	RegisterForActorAction(0)	;weapon swing
	RegisterForActorAction(1)	;spell cast
	RegisterForActorAction(8)	;draw end - catches both spells and weapons
	RegisterForActorAction(10)	;sheath end - catches both spells and weapons
	PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer()	;assign player data to the local variable

Event OnActorAction(int actionType, Actor akActor, Form source, int slot)
	If akActor == PlayerRef					;is the actor the player
		If !PlayerRef.IsInCombat()			;player is not fighting - switch camera with sheath and draw
			If actionType == 8				;draw end
				Game.ForceThirdPerson()		;switch to third
				CIF = false					;designate camera state
			ElseIf actionType == 10			;sheath end
				Game.ForceFirstPerson()		;switch to first
				CIF = true					;designate camera state
		Else 										;player is fighting - check camera state and swap if necessary
			If (actionType == 0 || actionType == 1)	;if swinging weapon or casting spell/stave
				If CIF == true						;check current camera state, process if in first person
					Game.ForceThirdPerson()			;switch to third
					CIF = false						;designate camera state


There is concern that with drawing and sheathing only, the event will trigger twice when swapping between weapons while weapons are drawn. Therefore, there is additional code which checks whether the player is in combat and if they are checks the camera state and swaps on weapon swing or spell cast as needed and then blocks the camera from switching until combat is over and weapons are sheathed..


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Thanks for the help. I took your comment about the player switching weapons/spells while drawn into consideration and decided to revamp the script to check/force camera perspective when the "Ready Weapon" control is triggered instead. The script I now have compiles, but nothing's happening when I push the Ready Weapon button. Here's how it looks:



Scriptname shCameraScript extends Quest
{Script for forcing the camera in or out depending on if the player has a weapon drawn.}

Function RegisterForControl(string control) native

Event OnInit()

    RegisterForControl("Ready Weapon")
    debug.messagebox("Quest running. Control registered.")


Event OnControlDown(string control)

    If control == "Ready Weapon"
        Debug.MessageBox("Ready Weapon button has been pressed.") ;This is where the camera logic takes place, but keeping it simple right now for testing purposes





The first message fires telling me the quest and script are starting correctly, but the debug message isn't popping up when the Ready Weapon control is pressed. I have the quest set to Start Game Enabled and Run Once. Is the script only processing once and then stopping b/c of a quest setting? Or do I just not have the code right? It's compiling...no errors for once...but nothing's happening when the Ready Weapon control is pressed.

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First, RegisterForControl and OnControlDown are both SKSE functions/events. Therefore, make sure that you run the game via SKSE.


This is what the problem was. I'd already installed SKSE, but I didn't have it extracted to the proper directories, hence the compiler not recognizing any of the SKSE functions. When I reinstalled it, everything worked perfectly. Thanks for the help. Sorry I'm such a bonehead.

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