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"Quit it!" mod for followers?


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I am looking for a way to call off my follower. For example, he will run off and hunt down every last wolf, even those that run away. And I have the pet mod, but he will kill my pet as soon as we enter a combat. Is there some kind of mod that could command him to cut it out?
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The reason this happens is the NPC's agression level. There are some mods that fix it somewhat. For me, I use the NPC Editor mod. You can pull up ANY NPC in the game and alter just about everything except the gender and race. you can do skills, equipment, faction associations, hair, eyes, etc... etc...etc.


I use this to adjust the agression and equip NPC follower type to at least have equipment appropriate to what their in game function is. The mod creates a small ESP file you drop in your data directory for each NPC you change. You then just enable the mod and reload your game. You can alter it even after a game save and the effects are instantaneous. I have not seen it affect what they had in their inventory in any way.


I hope this helps.

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