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Square shadows...


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I've attached a picture which is pretty much my problem. Any sort of plant/grass has a texture that is just a massive load of blocks. I believe it's something to do with the transparent textures that the trees and plants have, and for some reason it's seeing them as something 'solid' If it helps, these transparent areas are also sometimes visible...Any help would be appreciated!
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i am no wizard of computers and stuff but i think i know someone who may know whats wrong....................i got a bug in oblivion once that made the ground purple and it annoyed the crap out of me but someone helped me by giving me a shader replacer which worked...if you get a texture replacer that might fix it but im not so sure....im going to get a friend that has helped me a lot with this kind of stuff..so hold on
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Not enough information to practical help, maybe enough to point some directions:


The shadows map may be too low


Do you have some shadder or post processing/injector mod?

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Alright. I was called, so here I am. I don't know what made you think I could be of much help here though, gengar.

I might possess a nice amount of knowledge about Oblivion modding and mod using, but for Skyrim my knowledge is... minimal at best.

Well then, here goes nothing.


From what I can see in the screenshot this is definitely a shadow map issue. Clearly this tree has some new leaf textures with transparent parts, now the shadows though are casted by the whole square of the texture block.

This could have several causes.


- For one, with the changes from the NiTexturingProperty to the new mysterious BSShaderProperty or what it's called a lot of things have suddenly changed, things we still haven't fully deciphered, yet. No longer are normalmaps and glowmaps automatically used according to filename similarities, but now they all have to be defined individually inside this shader property thing. I could very well imagine in this texture pack you mentioned, the creator(s), being among the first to attempt something like this, was/were unaware of a little detail not even anybody else might know, yet, and thus missed adding a proper "individual" shadow map to the shader property.


In Oblivion objects didn't throw shadows(Scratch that. There were canopy shadows as well already. My bad. But I can't remember there ever being shadow maps, and the trees casting the shadows were from a special system called SpeedTree or something, which could as well have been taking good care of the shadow processing itself already.), so there never was a need for a shadowmap, but in Skyrim they do, so we'll need one sooner or later. Perhaps solid objects cast shadows by their geometry alone already, but billboards such as those leafs most likely need one defined in the NIF, especially when they're partly translucent, what billboards usually are. How's the game to know the difference when all it got is this blocky polygon wall? Without a special map telling it where light may pass through the wall, it won't be able to create a proper shadow of this.


You tried other texture "replacers" already, but did you also try completely "removing" any texture replacers for those leafs already? If this effect persist with Vanilla Skyrim textures also, then it's unlikely to be caused by the replacers. If it returns to normal though, I'd dare to say we found an explanation. Also did you already read up or ask around in the comments of the texture replacers you were using? Something as obvious as this is bound to be a known issue already and there's likely others encountering it with the mods.


I'll try to read up something more about this shader property thing and what all the different texture indices in there are hardcoded for, simply because I hate "not" knowing something for long, but chances are this issue is very well known already and also documented or discussed in detail already at the download locations for such mods.


- For second, if I'm wrong with the first "blind guess" above, it's likely there was some shadow mapping setting messed up in your config. I don't know enough about this to serve any further ideas where to look this up or how to fix it, but if the first idea is wrong, that'd be the second thing to investigate further. Did something alter your INI or told you to do so during install of another mod? maybe your hardware doesn't provide needed functionality for this shadow mapping from textures, if it is indeed an automatic thing and doesn't need a specific map for the transparent areas.


Well, that's about all I could come up with so far. My knowledge about Skyrim is very limited, like I said. Don't know what made gengar call me here to help with this. But now that I'm here I'll try to investigate it further, if my limited free time allows for it.


Oh, and gengar, you wrote you're going to notify me at 3:10 and when I was still not around only 10 minutes later you started to be concerned? Give this email notification thing some time to process and get past the ocean, then past my email provider update cycle and into my email client download cycle, will you? I got your message 20 minutes later and then set out to find the topic I was only given the name of in the depths of a forum section I'm not visiting remotely as regularly as the Oblivion part, for good reason, as I don't even have the game, yet, nor can I afford enough free time to go buying it without the purchase being in total vain due to me never getting any time to actually play or mod it. Oh well, and I'm not some omniscient master wizard or something either, mind you. My Skyrim knowledge is very limited at best. :sweat:

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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o sorry about that, im still new to this website. i dont know your knowlege so i didnt know you only know so much about skyrim, i guess i was just assuming you knew at least something about this problem.


but then again the more knowlege the better right? well you still knew something about it at least so maybe he can come around this problem some how.


my guess is what you said about putting the shaders in, like you said you have to delete the old ones (thats what i had to do for my textures to work).


also...have you tried reinstalling the game jetmouse? it may or may not work but maybe you just downloaded it the wrong way.


i dont know much of this so thats why i thought you would drake the dragon because you actually know something unlike me becasue i only know the basic stuff. :confused:

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