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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Neraine killed one banshee and then was knovked to the floor and grbbed by the other who stuck its claws into her chest she kicked it off and stood on its chest before shooting it in the head 5 times. she then calasped bloog gushing out of her chest she dragged her self to the med kit on the crahed ship and started to shoved cloth onto the wound when she fell unconcious blood ouzing out of her chest and some pouring down her face.
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OOC: I'm BAAAAAAACCCCKKKKK Despite all odds, i have survived my laptop, and am using it while it is charging, despite the fact the charger is held together with tape and is almost sparking, i would say that is a result! AND YEAH, KILL THE BANSHEES :D


Morinth lay on the ground, she was out cold, and as she fell she tore the shoulder of her outfit, revealing yet more cybernetics... she was no longer an organic...

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Neraine killed one banshee and then was knovked to the floor and grbbed by the other who stuck its claws into her chest she kicked it off and stood on its chest before shooting it in the head 5 times. she then calasped bloog gushing out of her chest she dragged her self to the med kit on the crahed ship and started to shoved cloth onto the wound when she fell unconcious blood ouzing out of her chest and some pouring down her face.



Relieved that the banshee leapt off him, Alex sat up, looking at the Banshee, before standing and walking over, putting his gun to it's head, no way it will survive this! he thought, pulling the trigger "Now your definitely dead *censored*" he turned to Neraine "Thanks for being there for the banshee to jump onto you..." he walked over and felt her pulse "Alive but unconscius, same with the Asari" he said "We best get them out of here, Actus" he said, kneeling down and turned Neraine over, removing her upper clothing, bandaging the wound and replacing her clothing, before turning back to Actus "Lets go" he said, he lifted Neraine off the ground "Anyone got a ship?" he asked

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OOC: Actus is actually unconscious also, but I guess whatever then.


" I didn't see any more come in." Actus said, as he looked over he saw to what seemed to be an Alliance supply ship, damaged, but flyable. He pointed towards the ship as he saw more husks running towards them. "Hurry! Run for the supply ship!" Actus said, as he grabbed his pistol and began killing off the next wave of husks.

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Actus put his pistol away and grabbed Morinths collar and began to drag her across the way towards the ship, he shoved away husks as they ran towards him. As he reached the ship he lifted Morinth in first, then climbed up. As he was looking through the supply ship he found a first aid kid, wrapping up his wounds first, then tending to Morinth.
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Once on board Alex applied presure to Neraine's neck, "Hey, you know that light at the end of the tunnel?" he said, to Neraine "Do you know whats behind it? Well it isn't god, it's me, so wake the f*** up or I'll kick your arse up and down that tunnel"
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