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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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OOC: You could join after we get to safety on another planet/station. :D


Actus sat down in the passenger seat of the ship, he quickly started up the ship and looked back at Alex and said:


"I'm too weak to fly, are you still good to drive?" Actus said.


Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Neraine lay there unconcious more blood splurting out her neck.


Alex threw his hands up, they were covered in blood "Trying to save someone here!" he said "Hugh, get on the bloody driving seat" he put lots of pressure onto the wound, if the bleeding was going to stop it probably would by now

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Neriane opened her eyes vision blurred ang grabbed the rearest cloth and shoved it on the wound she then grabbed the adrenaline and shoved into her arm and injected it. Edited by Meciathe
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Actus forgot about the chip in in Morinth's head, he got back up and walked over and sat down next to Morinth. He turned her head to see the sparking and partly damaged chip that was still trying to reach the Reaper connection again, he tightly gripped the chip. "This will hurt... a lot." Actus said, Then he yanked as hard as he could, releasing the black and silver blood, which turned back to normal. He placed his hand on the wound until he got more bandages.
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Alex stood up "I think she'll live, if she can stop the bleeding, I'm going to go search this ship" he pointed to Neraine, then looked at morinth "Careful with her" he said "She's still be an evil *censored*", at that moment there was a jolt and the ship flew into the air Edited by Brutii
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"Thanks Actus... i can resist there control... for a time... i have already been partially indoctrinated, so i don't know how long i can help you for... although i imagine my upgrades will come in handy... until i die and the reapers possess my corpse... i had everything cut out of me while i was awake... and replaced with cybernetics... only organic matter on me is my skin now, still thank you, here let me help with that wound." Morinth said, activating her omni tool, which contained reaper tech, and that meant far superior medi gel, so she applied some to Actus, and the Neriane.
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