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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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"Your brother is probably still with your mother, if you lot need me, your brother knows where to find me" Alex said, as a Hugh left, then the boss walked over

"This ship, what condition is it in?"

"Fair-bad. I found some vermin on board and if they keep eating through the power conduits it won't be worth it's weight in scrap and one side his fallen off... literally" he pointed

"I'm going to salvage what I can, your'll get your cut"


"I can also get you a contract, it's relatively high paying. A nice 500,000..."

"Who's the mark?"

"A high ranked C-sec officer"

"Whats the crime?"

"This officer is a killer, hiding behind his rank, who was going to believe a man whose wife had just been raped and killed claiming it was the lead investigator? Or some kids claiming he killed their mother."

"How do we know it's him?"

"His Krogan thug let some stuff slip after a drink"

"The thug?"

"Another person gets him, he isn't nearly as important"

"Who placed the bounty?"

"Seems he messed with a wrong person, the person remained anonymous, but must have a lot of money"

"I'll take it" And Alex walked off...

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Actus was listening to Morinth, he had so many questions bubble up in his mind. He didn't even know how he achieved his mentally perfection. "Why would I turn in someone for money? I believe in second chances Morinth, and I think you deserve one," Actus said, looking back at Morinth. As she kissed him, he was actually surprised, stunned even. He sat for a second to see she got off the ship. Actus quickly left the ship, to only see Morinth disappear amongst the crowd. Actus was sad to see her go away, he had so much more questions that needed to be asked. Actus went back to his apartment and went to his bed, and fell asleep. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Dante looked over at Alexi.


"Are you deaf or something?" he asked. Alexi sighed.


"Well, we were enjoying what was supposed to be MY party when a fight broke out. And not just a punch-and-kick barfight either, they shot each other and threw grenades," Alexi explained.


"You tell the story like you're telling it to a little kid. 'Oh, they shot each other and threw grenades!' you said that with NO passion," Dante joked.


"Right. But hey, that's what happened. Not every detail was included, but the important thing is, this place was a warzone for a couple minutes," Alexi said.

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"Considering I don't even know what this place is called and who the owner is, I don't know," Dante replied.


"I do believe the owner fled with everyone else. The thing I wanted to do before you shoved me behind the counter," Alexi said.


"Like a coward? No, then we wouldn't have any free drinks," Dante joked. "Anyway, you can go hunt the owner down if you wish, or not. I have to stay here and help my friend take everything that is worth something."

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"Take what you want now. When i own this place, you try stealing and i will put your head above the door." Morinth said threateningly. She activated her Omni tool and called a contact of hers "Yes, hi. i want a man named Mikel dead, he owns choras den... once he is dead transfer his deeds over to me, i have plans for the den. And keep C-sec's noses out if possible, i want to break those later... Yes of course i will pay you! Now just get the Job done!" Morinth said ending the call. She looked at the men and said "Everything of value is in the private rooms at the back, take my pass key, as i'm changing the lock once this place is mine." She said, throwing the card to Dante.
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After Actus awoke, he got dressed and headed out of his apartments, only to be greeted by two C-Sec officers that had weapons drawn and Commander Numin behind them. Actus knew this obviously wasn't a joke. The two C-Sec officers turned Actus around and handcuffed him and dragged him out of his apartment. He was dragged into the C-Sec office and thrown into a Interrogation room. There he sat for almost 4 hours before a C-Sec officer entered the room. Than they sat for what seemed for another hour before the Officer spoke.


"Former Lt.Actus Illo, we have evidence that you have seen or been in contact with the fugitive Morinth," the C-Sec officer said.


"No, I haven't. Why would I?" Actus replied.


After that, the C-Sec officer left, leaving Actus alone again.

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Dante caught the card, looking over it.


"Right place, right time," he said. He turned to Alexi.


"Let's go see what we can find," he said. Alexi nodded, following Dante to the private rooms.


"Just for the record, the only reason I'm back here with another guy is because I'm getting money for this," Alexi said.


"I've been in worse places for money," Dante joked. He opened the first door, and left Alexi to hunt for value.


"You can't figure out what's valuable and what's not, can you?" Alexi joked.


"No, but I sell this crap, so it's a win-win situation," Dante replied. Alexi then pulled out a worn pistol from a drawer, in fact, it was in so poor of condition it was impossible to identify.


"Scrap metal. A lot of cash in for that," Dante said, grabbing the gun and looking over it.


"Question though, what in my mother's name is a GUN doing in here?" Alexi asked.


"Probably used for a just-in-case scenario, though it looks like it's been here a while," Dante replied. He looked over the barrel. "Wait, this looks like it's fired off 100's of rounds."


"A soldier's?" Alexi asked.


"Might be. Who cares though?"

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