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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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"I've never understood the fascination with safety, it's true people feel safest right before they die, and i hate feeling safe, secure. I love to run, i love the chase... i love the look in my opponents eyes, just as he realizes he has lost, and he's going to die." Morinth said sitting back in her grand chair.
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"Do... Do you hear yourself right now? It's not always going to be about killing, or chasing people. What if we have a child if we ever decide to do it anyway? Do you think your child would want to look up to someone who always feels the need to kill? The need to feed on other peoples fear? I don't intend for that to happen!" Actus said firmly.
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OOC: I'm back. Not for long though, but I'll fit in a few quick posts. I HATE MONDAYS AND TUESDAYS.


IC: Dante woke up the next morning on a couch, with a terrible headache. He climbed to his feet, smacking his head a little. He looked over to see Alexi laughing at his pain.


"You surely are hung over, aren't you?" he asked.


"Shut up," Dante replied. He leaned on the wall, crossing his arms. "What is there to do 'round here?"


"The newly reopened club seems like a place for you. Crime all over," Alexi replied.


"Right, right, but I was thinking somewhere better," Dante said. Alexi sighed.


"Other than the club, you'd hate everything."


"F**k this place," Dante looked in the air, thinking about how bored he was ALREADY.


"I guess I'll just head on down to the club or something."

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Actus stood there for a second, thinking of what to say. "How do you know... I mean you've never been through a successful meld have you? Did your people tell you that? Like you said, your people are blind when it comes to you. You are just going to have to push the ideas of stereotyping," Actus said with an increased tone.
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Morinth stood up, she looked at Actus and said "Believe me, when i was diagnosed at maturity, we were shown the results of our disease... i am sterile, i can never have children, i will gladly push stereotyping.... but not facts. If we do manage to meld without you dying... we shall see what happens. But no children will come of it." She said, sitting back down.
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Actus listened to what Morinth said, back and forth in his head. "Oh... sorry." Actus said softly, as he turned around to walk out the door again, but stopped and walked back. He placed his pistol on her desk and started walking toward the door again.
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Dante entered the club, keeping his hand close to his pistol. He sat down, ordered a drink, and looked over to see a familiar face. Elyse.


"A drink for the girl over there," he told the bartender. Enemy, friend, annoying, anything, Dante got along with everyone. He began to drink as three guys came over to him.


"Remember us?" one man asked. Literally, Dante didn't.


"No," he replied.


"Here's a reminder," the man almost put a knife in Dante's hand before he moved it and grabbed the man by the throat.


"Keep it civil, and tell me, who are you?" he asked.


"Areo. You still owe me," the man replied.


"Still not ringing a bell," Dante said.


"Too bad. Give us everything you have, because I know you can't pay us," Areo said.


"I don't owe you ANYTHING," Dante said. He threw Areo down, still not attracting any attention. Areo got up, pulling a pistol out.


"Woah woah woah, keep the guns away," Dante said.


"Make me," Areo was about to shoot before someone tackled him down. Alexi. The other two guys stepped back a bit, and left the club, acting normal.


"Now get out of here," Dante said, picking Areo up and shoving him away. The man stumbled and ran away.


"Can you not go one day without having people try to kill you?" Alexi asked.


"I guess not," Dante replied.

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