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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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OOC: Last post for now, and what do you know, 600 posts?


IC: Dante took a drink of his beer, just as Elyse came over.


"What was that about?" she asked,


"I have no idea, they claimed I owed them money. But what do I know? I owe EVERYBODY money," Dante replied.


"Right," Alexi leaned against the bar. "This new music makes me ears bleed," he joked.


"Fits the mood," Dante added.

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It had seemed like hours had passed when Razor finally awoke, but in truth it was only minutes.

He was being dragged somewhere, although he had absolutely no idea where. Benning had too many unknown passages, dark alleyways and unmapped corridors..

'Maybe. maybe i wont leave this place.' he though to himself.

He blacked out once more.


Val had been dragged off into a small room. There were no lights, and she swore there was another presence in the room. Whoever had captured her had done a number on all the electric circuitry in her mask, the only thing left working was the breathing apparatus.

Thinking on her feet, she took in her immediate surroundings.

'Tied to a chair, electronic bonds. OK, is there any danger?'

She scanned her head across the room. Her eyes adjusting to the darkness. There were 2 figures, barely distinguishable from the various shelves lining the wall.

'Yes. What is behind me? Cant see, ****. Right, were i to escape, what would I do?'

She scanned the room once more. Taking in the exact locations of the shelves and desks. Working out a rough plan of action, she suddenly realised the hopelessness of her situation.

There was too much unknown behind her. Hell, there could be anything, but the small bandit group that got the jump on them would likely have a biotic, and the last thing she needed was a dose of stasis to immobilise her.

'Will need to think more about this one' she thought to herself.

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Morinth stood slightly confused for a moment, before settling back into her chair. she co-ordinated a drug trade, and it was very successful, yielding her hundreds of thousands of credits, in the small time her club had been open, she had made a hell of a lot of money, so she got up from her desk and walked down the the main bar, she stood behind it and served a few drinks, before agreeing to provide protection for some smugglers, for a very fine sum of money.
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Actus walked back to his room, he poured the rest of the wine into a glass and began to drink it. He also noticed something he didn't see before. There was a hatch on the wall that seemed to be a quick escape for emergencies. He walked over and pulled out the hatch, to see the ally way that was next to the club. Actus sighed and hoped he'd never had to use this. He put the panel back on and walked over to his bed again. He didn't want to sleep. Actus continued to drink, loosing himself with his thoughts.
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Morinth returned to her office, and ran some diagnostics upon herself, and her Reaper upgrades.... it vouched some startling results, ones that Morinth both hated, and at the same time loved.


She opened the door to Actus's room and entered, she sat on the edge of the bed and said "Actus... i have something i need to tell you."

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"When the Reaper told me that he harnessed everything i held dear into an ability... i did not think he meant this.... I can control my Ardat Yakshi abilities.... i can chose when i overpower your nervous system, when i kill when melding. It is like any other biotic ability now, i can chose when." Morinth said with a smile, her voice was a mixture of happiness, and sorrow.
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Actus smiled, "Not dieing would be great, thank you," Actus joked. However, something felt.. wrong. He looked out the window on the ceiling. Actus thought to himself for a moment. Then he looked at Morinth's eyes again, glowing grey. He wanted to know more, but he didn't think that was necessary at this point. She had reaper technology in her, but he didn't care. "What now then?" Actus said softly.
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