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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Actus placed his hand on Morinth's hand, his heart was racing and his spine chilled. "I... I am." Actus said, leaning forward kissing Morinth passionately. Again he felt an incredible bonding moment as his lips met hers. His breath came deep and warm. He leaned back to look at Morinth's glowing grey eyes again. Actus kissed her again, more deeply and longer this time, placing his hands on her hips.
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"Hold still.... Embrace Eternity!" Morinth said lovingly, her eyes going black and her nervous system entwining with Actus's, her mind connecting with his as there passions were tended to, there memories were shared, and they were in a state of euphoria... At first Morinth's instincts kicked in and she tried to overpower Actus.... but then she realized she could control it, and they melded, the first Ardat Yakshi to ever meld before without killing her partner...






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Actus saw through all the images of her memories, her birth, her judgement, her killing her mother, her looking at the Citadel at an unknown point in time. However, one memory was vague, and blurred. He saw what seemed to be Benning, however he was uncertain on what it was about. "That was... different," Actus said.
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"Yes, different in a good way... Well the memory's weren't horrible, they were good, well mostly good, but I did see something though, it looked like it was Benning. I don't exactly know what it was though. Do you see any of my memory's?" Actus asked. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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"A few... but i don't remember seeing much of benning... maybe... i don't know, they all happen so fast... that one of my mother... i'm sorry you had to see that. As for yours... I saw a few... you really were the best C-sec have ever had... speaking of them we need to deal with Numin." Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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"Don't worry about your mothers memory, I understand what you did was for your survival.. I agree though, we should go and deal with C-Sec." Actus said, getting up and walking toward the door. "I guess I'll see you around then?" Actus said smiling, as he left to go get a drink. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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OOC: Wall of text. :whistling:


Tired, Vael found himself on a turian ship, heading to the Migrant Fleet for reasons unknown. He positioned himself near a couple of turians, overhearing their conversation.


"Hey, I heard that we're going to attack the Rayya. Is that..true?"

"Yeah, we'll hit them hard!"

"Are they crazy? They'll destroy our ship in seconds!"

"Of course, you dumbass. We have a Thanix Cannon salvaged from a colony, it'll help us."

"We do? Is it installed on the ship now?"

"It's being installed. Besides, the Rayya's going to get pounded."

"Last question, how the f*ck are we supposed to know where the Migrant Fleet is?"

"Research from the quarian crash site tells us that it's heading for the Perseus Veil, heading to the Crescent Nebula's mass relay."

"That just seems like total BS to me."


The turian started to get irritated, shooting the other turian in the leg injuring him, before he walked away. Vael slowly walked away, trying not to alert the crew. He suddenly slipped and fell onto the floor below him, smashing a control panel. Fortunately, the turians thought it was a malfunction on the bridge.

"I guess their IQ is pretty low." Vael thought.

He got off, hurt by the fall. Silently, he walked to the bridge. Vael successfully activated his cloak, as it was cooled down by the time he got into the ship. He crouched, overhearing another conversation.


"We there yet?"

"Almost, ETA is 5 minutes."

"Good, Gal's going to be happy."


The turian who wasn't the pilot, walked back the way Vael came from, with Vael stepping to the side. He approached the pilot, watching where he was going. A minute passed, he could see the Migrant Fleet approaching the Mass Relay. The pilot announced that they will have to wait until the Rayya was the last one going into the Relay. Vael needed to prove that he wasn't a traitor, the Rayya was his birth ship. He wouldn't let go that easily. Desperate, Vael shot the pilot and took control of the ship. He piloted the ship, heading immediately to the Rayya. The Fleet reacted to the head-on approach, by quickly approaching the Mass Relay. Vael released control when the airlock leading to the Rayya's airlock was side-to-side. Now, Vael activated his cloak, opening the airlock, a lone quarian opening the airlock as well, thinking that the quarian was going to sabotage the ship. Vael jumped into the ship, with the crew not noticing. Vael deactivated his cloak.


"Stop! That ship's going to blow you apart if you don't it!" Vael shouted.

"What the hell? We're going into a Mass Relay!" the quarian angrily exclaimed.

"And that ship's going to blow you in half!" Vael explained.

"If..if you are going to be trusted, just go on that ship and disable the ship's defenses. We'll go on from there." The quarian said, before running to the bridge.


Vael jumped back to the ship.

"I just hope they accept my heroism, and welcome me back." Vael thought to himself.

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'Alright. Thats the plan' Val thought to herself. She knew the position of all the people to her direct front, and decided she'd grab one as a shield. The whole plan relied on a hope that what was possibly behind her had poor reflexes.

There was one thing she didnt expect, however. The door opened, revealing the ragged form of Razor, held by 2 humans, silhouetted by the brown tones of Benning.

Using the distraction, she quickly snapped her bindings off with a small overload, and initiated her cloak. Running straight for a man in the corner, she grabbed him, and took his pistol.

Spinning around to his back, she shot him through the knee, solely to immobilise. Setting herself into a human shield, she watched the situation unfold.

Razor took the opportunity, and shook free of one of his captors, and killed him straight off with a vicious uppercut to his chin. He grabbed the worn Vindicator assault rifle that the man was carrying and unleashed it into the room. Once everyone seemed to be dead, Val finished off her shield with a shot to the head.

It all happened so fast. So fast that they didnt account for anyone outside. Within seconds, there was a team covering the door, leaving them with no options to leave the little building they were in.

They kicked over benches and tables to create cover, but inside they knew that the situation was over. They were out of options.

'Well, Good run Val. Guess this is it. Taking in the odds, we wont win this, but we'll make damn sure that they dont go home without some losses'. At this cue, they both stood up from behind a turned up desk and engaged the enemy team outside. It was no time, however, before Razor took another hit. This one hit his shooting arm, causing his shots to fly wild and hit nothing. He crouched behind the desk, knowing he was no longer of use.

'The end. Great rolling with you Val.'

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