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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Actus didn't sleep at all, he tried but something was keeping him awake. He thought his conversation with his father and what he was going to ask him. He twisted and turned until the two hours passed. He got off the bed and looked out the window, he saw Benning, he smiled as he left the room, to see Morinth still looking out the window. The captain of the ship announced on the intercom that they will be landing in less then 5 minutes. He walked over and stood next to Morinth looking out the window. "Ready?" Actus asked.
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The quarian ship crash-landed on the space station, destroying everything in it's way. An explosion followed the crash. Vael was injured, and so was Hari. They hid in the ship, with Vael and Hari limping from one spot to another as the Cerberus troops went to investigate. "I don't know what saved us, but we shouldn't stop now." said Vael. They were trying as hard as they could to not be cornered by the troopers, "Can you cloak?" asked Vael. "Yes, but it's limited." replied Hari. They cloaked together when the troopers approached their position.

"Hope we don't get caught." whispered Hari.

"We won't." Vael responded.

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Andre laughed through the intercom.


"You mess with me, I won't let it go," he said.


"Just let me out," Dante said, leaning against the door.


"Give me a reason," Andre replied. Dante thought for a moment, his dark eyes drifting around the room.


"Two things; I can give you money OR help you," he finally said.


"Help? Wow," Andre shut the mic off and opened the door into the room, closing it behind him.


"I need someone, shall we say, gone," he said.


"You mean dead?" Andre pulled a sniper rifle from his back and held it out, waiting for Dante to take it. It was Dante's sniper, after all, so he took it.


"Prove yourself first. I have men lined up all throughout this station. Kill them all, and return here alive. Use that gun to take them down. There's an armory on the eastern side, get there for you're armor," Andre said.


"Sounds like a setup," Dante said.

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After about 5 minutes, the ship finally docked at Benning, Actus was one of the first people to get off the ship, the colony was surprisingly active and rebuilding. He stood for a minute observing and remembering what happened that awful day. He saw a coat that was abandoned and quickly grabbed it, he continued to wait for Morinth.
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Actus handed her the coat, "Put this on, we don't want the whole colony to have a huge riot burning down each building to find you," Actus said. He remembered the address of the building his father lived in, and he started walking toward the colony.
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The Cerberus troops searched the entire ship for any survivors, looking like they were going to either capture or kill them. Soon they gave up, Vael hearing "Nothing's here, probably a suicide squad. Get back to Afterlife." They got out and Vael and Hari uncloaked. "This looks like Omega, but where are the mercenaries? And why is Cerberus here?" Vael thought to himself. "I don't know what's happening here, but this just doesn't seem like Omega." Hari whispered, which Vael could hear.

"I think I can send out a distress signal." said Hari, using her omni-tool.

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After about 3 minutes of walking, Actus and Morinth arrived at the address that had being going through Actus's head the whole time. He slowly walked up to the beaten up door, and knocked on it. After the worst 15 seconds of his life, the door swung open to reveal a extremely old Turian. Actus stood still for a minute to observe him.


"Hello, father," Actus said.


"Actus...?" Nikolaus said softly, he quickly peered out his door and gestured the two to enter his house. Actus stepped inside to the somewhat neat house.


OOC: Brb, 10 minutes.

Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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