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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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"Aria told me that she saved your life from a cerberus ship. I'd say that would equal a lifedebt. You can pay her in servitude, as is common, or prove to have something that would benefit her greatly... But you don't seem to have that as the only thing you truly own, little outcast is that banged up old ship you bought... From Omega." The Councillor said, her hands behind her back, her red dress reflecting the light.
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"We'll do something, we won't be a servant, but we'll bring something of value to you..." replied Hari, "This is basically two Pilgrimages.." thought Vael, standing still. "And that ship, we'll get onto repairing it soon enough. The AI's still functional." continued Hari. Edited by 62firelight
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"Oh yes, you will be a servant. You already are, as are your people... wait, they make good servants, but for the rest of the time they plague the galaxy in there absurd fleet, and create the geth. And good luck with finding something valuable enough for Aria, she only accepts the best. That ship? It's from Omega, and sold for a tiny sum... watch yourselves aboard that little space vagabonds." The Asari Councillor said turning away. "Come find me once you have something."
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Hari and Vael turned away and got into the elevator. They came out on the docking bay, with no mercs in sight. They walked back to the ship, trying to block the past encounter out. "Well, I guess we should search elsewhere." said Vael, boarding the ship. "Sure..but where to?" asked Hari curiously, Vael didn't actually know where to go. "Hmm..we'll...we should probably get back to the fleet for now.." said Hari. "You sure?" asked Vael. "I know the code phrase for when we need help, you didn't hear it, but I did." Hari responded, walking to the bridge and activating the AI. "AI activated. Taking off to (select destination)" Vael replied with "Migrant Fl-"

The lights started going out then on again, repeatably while the ship shook.

"Keelah!" Hari shouted, struggling to stay on the seat.

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OOC: I'm really tired, I'll probably re-do this post when I wake up tomorrow. If your wondering what I'm talking about my other post explains it.


Actus remembered his team at C-Sec, but he'd normally do most of the detective work he had to train his two partners, which considered of Oliver. Actus grinned at the thought and turned to Morinth. "Any idea where to start looking for your sisters?" Actus asked.

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Val awoke alongside a barely concious Razor in what appeared to be a med bay. As she gained her conciousness, she determined it was that of Francia Station, a small asteroid based space station that her boss used as a HQ.

Before she and Razor had even fully grasped the situation, he was already at their necks, communicating via the station wide holo-communicator.

'You screwed up. You know what was on that Batarian cargo hauler? Better you dont, but the fact is, you didnt get the data here, and we missed our window. Be lucky you two are actually of some use to me still, else you would both be through the airlock. That is, if i actually dememed you useful enough to get in there and get your sorry hides out of danger in the first place. What in the hell were you thinking, Val? Didnt i personally teach you to cover your sectors at all times? INCLUDING the rear?, and Razor. Bloody hell Razor what about the doctrine, that you should always hold the objective above all else? if you hadnt gone on such a stupid 'save the damsel in distress' mission, then i would have the data I need, and then i would have seen to it that Val got back here safe. But no. You both are walking on a very very fine thread right now. Dont let me see you screw it up so bad again. Oh, by the way. Your new crew member is waiting in the briefing room. Get your barely useful butts out of here and back to work. You have a briefing to attend. Maybe this one will be able to clutch a mission instead.'

Without so much as a word, both Val and Razor stood up and left for the briefing room. Their boss disconnected with a shake of his head.

Edited by Phalanx108
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"I know they are in seclusion on a planet, away from civilization... although it is in Asari space, that much i remember." Morinth said.


The Asari Councillor returned to her quarters and sat down with a sigh, her job was hard enough without having to deal with troublesome quarians.


"I want every cerberus troop on this station eliminated, none may survive." Aria said sitting back.

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Dante walked out of the room, turning to see the door shut and lock behind him. Great. As he turned back around he saw two men having a chat, but one saw Dante.


"S**t, how did you-" Dante shot and killed the man, directly hitting him in the nose. The other one reached for his pistol for a faster reaction, but Dante quickly pulled the trigger again, watching as the other guard fell back, dead. He swapped mags, and continued down the hallway.

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Aria sat with her legs crossed, as usual looking at a Datapad as Afterlife was repaired. "So... we can wipe them out with a deadly virus? all of the cerberus troops?... brilliant... and save the citizens? Good... hmm then perhaps we should... still i want that traitor rufus was it? executed."


The boss entered "It's worked, we've reclaimed afterlife, and the Cerberus are dying as we speak, I believe I heard about a deadly virus? You do realise you can't tailor it to cerberus individuals, so I believe you have a cure for the... 'innocents'?"

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