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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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OOC: do I look like I could f***ing care because once again nothing happens to mythics character who hes once again made op and the leader of nearly everything again and his characters NEVER DIE it's always mine or mybe yours.


OOC: Dude, calm down, one of mine is kinda f***ed as well, so we're both in it deep, sorry mate

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OOC: I don't care if my character dies but a least Mythics character could have some damage but no SHE WALKS AWAY TO HAVE BLOODY SHOWER it pisses me of how he god mods everything to suit him and nothing else.
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OOC: Whoa peoples, calm down. I will have none of that in the RP thank you very much, that is enough, just calm down. Aria walked away to have a shower because she was not hurt, no-one shot her and she was sitting down drinking, Neriane got shot, so she is hurt, as it Alex. Neriane can survive, that is fine, no one has a problem with that, and no-one even suggested she was dead, i never killed her, so just calm it please, if you want her alive then just post that Neriane is alive, hell i can heal her if that makes you feel better. But if i get anymore of this swearing and blatant attacks against the rp and myself, i am going to have to report you, this is a bit of fun, not serious, so come on, just keep it civil.


"I want the girl taken to the med lab. Then once she is healed ship her off the the Citadel. Sh had the guts to stand up to me, so make it happen." Aria ordered her men.


Read my post. You all need to make some decisions here.~Lisnpuppy

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Definition of Godmodding:


When one plays a character that can never be destroyed, harmed, etc. The character, however, can hurt and/or kill the other characters without giving the other characters a chance.


Mythic does this so he is a GODMODDER


Read my post. There are way nice ways to address all this. You aren't helping.~Lisnpuppy

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All right folks, everyone needs to step back on this. I am not going to read through all this stuff but as someone that has RPed for YEARS both in forums and in games I am going to give you some advice.


1) STOP TAKING IT PERSONAL! All of you need to know where "The LIne" is between RP and reality. This is about characters not you personally.


2) TO avoid godmodding several things should happen....1) possible physical type altercations can be agreed upon OOC. Remember all of you, IC actions should have IC consequences. Now if you would like something more spontaneous...you can use die rolls. There are places on the net that one can use for die rolls to make things a bit more fair. If people are not going to die in this in needs to be stated in the rules up front. I suggest that you all find some fair way to decide battles.


3) Remember to RP YOUR CHARACTER ONLY!!! For example..John hits Tom with a frostbolt knocking him to the wall. This would not be correct because you are assuming another character.


John tosses a frostbolt at Tom hoping to knock him on the wall. (here is where you can roll the die) John rolls 5...Tom rolls 6 so he replies Tom ducts at the last moment and the frostbolt barely misses, freezing the top of his hair instead.


Get my point.


So all of you in this RP get together and work out some RP play rules. I would be happy to assist in any way as I love RP and so would be glad to help.




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