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Just a quick question...


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Will limiting Skyrim frame rates below 60 fps cause scripting issues?

The reason I ask is because i read recently (in a forum on another site) that the Papyrus scripting engine is designed to run at 60fps, and, that capping below 60 can cause scripting issues. I am aware that rising above 60 fps can cause wacked-out physics issues, but, until I read that post, I wasn't aware of the fact(?) that capping below 60 is harmful. The man even went so far as to say to NEVER cap below or above 60fps.

I'm sure there is no one slice answer, but, any info would be appreciated,


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If i am not mistaken, and i could very well be because i just came from the pub lol. The game is optimized for 30fps because of the consoles, however that does not mean it cannot run and should not be able to run on 60fps which is the engines havoc limit? Anything above 60fps it was never designed for and causes the havoc/physics issues. As far as i'm aware, fps has nothing to do with scripts, now as said lol i could be completely off, but the FPS is handled by the GPU and scripts by the CPU and memory basically, CPU and memory are the the bottlenecks for scripts and if they get to heavy your PC will start to use the GPU to compensate or the cpu cannot control the gpu anymore because it's to busy with scripts resulting in dropping FPS and eventually crashes. The more powerfull your GPU the less the CPU has to worry about the GPU and can spend time on the scripts.


So capping the fps is actually freeing your gpu to support your cpu


Something like that anyway ;-) :-)

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