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Book pickup bug


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Hello all,


Went through the pain of reinstalling oblivion and decided to give a few new mods a go. Installed FCOM and all its mods along with supreme magika and MOO. Got a stable game but my auto harvest mod stopped working so installed AoG instead.


Got them all up and running but noticed a strange bug, every time I click the activate key to read a book the game auto picks up the book and places it in my inventory, even counts as stealing if an owned book. I do get a window come up for skill books asking me if I want to read first or pick up (feature from AoG).


Before I start working backwards through my insatalltion (couple of days work QQ) has anyone had this problem before and know the mod culprit?


Is uninstalling and testing the best way to go or can I use TES4EDIT to locate the script causing this? Have used TES4EDIT for cleaning before but not much else.



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