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skyrim getting boring


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sorry guys about how long its been since i replied because iv been busy :P, but thanks for the great replys on how skyrim sucks and the downers in the game. i have been thinking of getting rid of oblivion on my computer and say my good byes to the game :'( because on how much memory it is taking and i havent even played it in months because of other great games. i was wondering if any of you guys ever did this to oblivion or any other game. once again thanks for your reply's on this topic, you can continue to do so and just to say most of your reply's is how i felt on the game which is. not enough quests or things such as getting so powerful that you can kill a dragon in 3 shots. i will most likly get rid of oblivion in about a month simply because i want to get diablo 3 which comes out in may. so thank you guys for all the great reply's :biggrin:
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It bothers me that completing the main quest line and winning the war has no significant impact on the game. Oh and the lack of dialogue options people have gets kind of old (like all court mages say the exact same things just in different tones of voice).



At least after joining the DB and/or thieves guild some gaurds notice you're an assassin and/or member of the guild. But nobody seems to care that you kill dragons in your spare time.


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If they could improve the creation kit just a bit more there might be more interest in mod creation. The mods for skyrim seem mostly dull, not very many big or interesting ones. I'm new to the mod scene so maybe I'm missing a big reason for that? Perhaps we will see more big mods come out over the next few months.


Hopefully, a major obstacle for content mods will be fixed with the upcoming 1.6 patch. Many modders were put off by the Creation Engine/CK NAVMESH bug. If its fixed, we may see a lot more content in the not-too-distant future. Fingers crossed.

Edited by Lord Garon
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It bothers me that completing the main quest line and winning the war has no significant impact on the game. Oh and the lack of dialogue options people have gets kind of old (like all court mages say the exact same things just in different tones of voice).



At least after joining the DB and/or thieves guild some gaurds notice you're an assassin and/or member of the guild. But nobody seems to care that you kill dragons in your spare time.



Except there are several new dialogs spouted off by guard for each the MQ once it is over.


"All hail the Dragonborn!"

"In the ancient tongue, you are Dovahkiin - Dragonborn!"

"Word is spreading like magefire! The great evil has been vanquished! You have truly saved us all!"

"You have vanquished a great evil from Skyrim. You have saved this land... and our very souls."

Edited by sajuukkhar9000
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yea your totally right robertr about how it has like no effect...what i was wondering is that could their really be mods that will help the game, i can understand setting new dialoge but would it reallly make a big change? since you know its a mod and not the or original game it could be a little disapointing. but i do realize that if you add more monsters in the game and different types of dragons would be great. i dont have skyrim for the computer and i dont play to mod it if i do, unless they have some really good mods that are like game changers
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Mods will improve the game over time. Quest mods, the really big game-changers, will take time to really put in motion however. Hell for me, if it weren't for the lack of quality quest mods I'd already have a Skyrim that was at least 200% better than vanilla. With time, DLC-added features and mod possibilities, Skyrim will be far better.


It's not like Morrowind or Oblivion where you can get the vanilla game and give it a 500% improvement with just a few mod downloads. We're still in Skyrim's infancy as a Beth game.

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they do say when your doing something a lot it gets old but with all the mod people are making helps, I like to see some game of thrones mods. lol

skyrim has yet to get boring for me I love it. and all the cool mod that are being made. ok there more game of thrones mods then I thot lol

Edited by darkerthenblackangel
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Yes, Skyrim is getting boring, but is because the Story Quest Line is too small ( you can defeat Alduin on the lvl 19).

If they would have maked some interesting event liket this: Later some time with Alduin dead, the Thalmor try

to absorve his power an revive Alduin or, the Thalmor try to capture Cyrodiil.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I will admit after playing both of my characters for about "140hrs/50hrs", Skyrim is getting quite tedious.... But then I have to remind myself that I've been playing the damn game for close to 200 HOURS!!! And of course it's going to get boring after a while! It's what games do! I'm probably going to play some other games until Dawnguard comes out then I will thoroughly enjoy the game for another 50hrs again! Jeez guys... This isn't some MMO where you can literally spend thousands of hours playing. :pirate:
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