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skyrim getting boring


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This isn't some MMO where you can literally spend thousands of hours playing.

The biggest waste of time I can imagine is playing MMOs. You spend, as you said, thousands of hours chasing tiny instant gratification rewards in environments where your character is neither original nor is anything around you particularly fresh or diverse, and the activities including raiding and craft grinding are amazingly repetitive. MMOs make me want to kick babies, plain and simple. I've played many, and in the end, I always abandon all my hard work and move on to "greener pastures" just like everyone else.


After about 300 hours, Skyrim still isn't boring to me. I keep adding new mods like Moonpath, and thanks to animation mods, mount mods, crafting mods and other goodies I have yet to want to put it down, and since I enjoy "living" in Bethesda's worlds, none of them ever get old for me (Morrowind, Oblivion, FO3, so on). Then again, the trick is not to burn out on games, which is something I think very few people know how to do. We obsessively play new titles, and not unlike a new song, within a few weeks we can't stomach them any more.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Yea, I always hated how x-box tries to force their console onto people by purchasing the rights to dlc's and spitting in the face of everyone else. My main reason for hating x-box is their lopsided controllers, but this is what seals the deal that I will never buy a Microsoft console, and pretty much hate Microsoft. Not as much as I hate Apple though.
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I disliked Skyrim at first, but now, nearly 5 months later I played it again and got a load of mods and never looked back. It has provided me with as much entertainment as Fallout 3 and New Vegas and that is ultimately all I can ask for.
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Skyrim was my first TES game. I loved the freedom and novelty of the game where I couldn't do exactly WHATEVER I wanted, but I could certainly do a heck of a lot of stuff at my own free will. I do think it's fun, but after trying out four or five characters, I'm sort of bored with the repetitive nature of the various factions you can join. I wished that you could a little more choice in what happens. I know that you can either decline or accept to be a werewolf, be whatever sort of Nightingale and so forth, but the story line still seems a little rigid to me.

Skyrim is fun, and I certainly think that it's a very well-done game, but after a while I got Skyrimmed out. I still play it when I'm bored or what have you, but I'm not as "OH MY GOODNESS I CAN SHARPSHOOT WOODLAND CRITTERS AND TAN THEIR HIDES AND WEAR THEM AS ARMOR???" as I used to be.

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Gotta be honest with some of you people. When you devote 300 hours or more into something, it WILL get boring after a while, what do you expect? Play something else and then come back.

A game can only have so much content, it's not neverending.

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For me, the OMG moment was when I first stepped into a river and realized that I actually had to fight the current. That added a whole new level of immersion, and it was a great idea on Bethesda's part. Unfortunately, like many elements of the game, it was released half-finished, and so the currents never really felt like obstacles - more like a minor new cosmetic feature.


All that changed when I discovered OpticShooter's Water and Terrain Redux mod. Currents are actually something to be feared with this beauty installed - it's not hard to be swept downriver and off a cliff! Not only that, but the appearance of the water is greatly improved, particularly when running a realistic ENB mod. I'd have to say it's one mod that really livened things up for me.

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