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skyrim getting boring


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Got through the main quest once and the guild quests like 3 times maybe 100 or so hours clocked in to Skyrim and I'm sick of it already. Most of it was to see in game sources for topics brought up on this forum actually.


All the quests feel the same. Kill stuff pick up something off of a dead body. TG ending quest in Oblivion fun feeling like a thief yet for Skyrim felt like just another quest from some random wizard in Markarth. The other guilds are meh. Maybe a handful of memorable quests and locations even less memorable characters.


The world itself seems smaller and I rarely use a horse, or fast travel, or even carts. Most of it feels like avoiding mountains.


Everything is just plain and bland besides the scenery. Nothing really covers up the faults like in the past games. (Insert any Fallout/ElderScrolls Game besides Skyrim here) had bugs and loads of crap wrong with it but at least it had something to make up for it. Since Skyrim is lacking everywhere being pretty only distracts from issues for so long.


Honestly it feels like they just made a pretty game and decided to raid nexus for ideas so they could say hey guys we listen to your ideas.

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you are right about all of that but its not all bad, i mainly feel bad for the people that have to play it on the ps3 because its not like they can mod it and they're also not getting the dlc. atleast we can get some mods to entertain us. in matter in fact i used to only be able to play it on ps3 but im getting it for pc tomorrow and im already picking out my mods
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It's boring for me because it's "soulless" & combat is quite lame. I don't think that I'll ever break the amount of hours that I spent on New Vegas by playing Skyrim. Companions have no characterization and are only good at carrying dragon bones, ore and ingots. It's a huge step down from Obsidian's New Vegas where every companion had a good background story. As someone wrote on Escapist forums "Esbern is one of the liveliest characters in the game, and he has less characterization that The King.".


However, there is a lot of room to roleplay. No one is making you join all factions. You can set up a story for your toon either he'd be a mage , assassin, warrior or a thief. Hell, you have a choice to wipe out dark brotherhood if you're playing a "GOOD" guy. You can eat food/sleep to pretend that your character needs that to survive. Also, you can avoid using fast travel. Still, it gets super god damn boring and your decisions have NO ACTUAL IMPACT!!


The story & lack of choices is holding a lot of folks back. It's repetitive and linear. Hell, Vault 11 had better story than this whole Alduin crap. The Dragons are not burning villages and killing people in masses. Oh except that first village where you were about to get beheaded. But that was just "an intro" into "zomg awesomeness awaits!" which turned out to be a lie because what awaited a player was repetitive random dragon fights and no more real damage caused by Alduin's return. You sometimes see a couple of refugees to whom you have an option to give 5 gold and that's it. You have no idea where they are fleeing from or what the F happened. I suppose they are fleeing from some invisible village you can't get to? Pretty lame making this whole "Dragons are back!!! AAAAAIEEEEEEE!" thing completely unconvincing. Also, whats up with this Stormcloak vs. Empire conflict ? Is it really a conflict or just a bunch of assholes covering in fear and talking crap in their holds/camps? Where is all the fighting at? Who are all these grumpy blacksmiths making making shields for? To deflect whose arrows? I see more freaking wolves,bears and Thalmor escorting some poor son of a *censored*. This "civil war" does not seem real.


Also, Bethesda is the bug factory. Thanks to GREAT MODDERS who are doing their best to try to make this game more interesting.


Just my two cents about this game which is still good but could have been a lot better for something so overrated at/before it's launch.

Edited by cherom
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I know why it's boring. I know why you can't sleep at night...waking, wondering... I know why you can't decide between the dream world, and reality neo. Nah j/k lol not sure that's the quote. but anyway.


It's the lack of depth. They dumbed the game down so it would be more mainstream for COD-type 'casual' players. While retaining mod capabilities, it is clear that modding was an afterthought so throw the oldschool customers a bone. Note on lack of day1 release mod support. Note major and minor bugs within papyrus even though they took 'extra time' with it. More like they didn't have anything ready for it and threw it all together after release. Obvious rushed by publisher is obvious.


Anyway. back on topic for lack of depth. Alchemy, magic, and sneaking are all so horribly inaccurate and alchemy and magic are so toned down to help focus on the power of the thau'um that you lack the versatility of the other play styles. If you're not hacking and slashing while using shouts in heavy or light armor meleeing your enemies to death, chances are you are completely bored before/by level 30. In Oblivion you can make an unarmed monk who wears heavy armor. or an unarmed monk who wears light armor. or unarmored. You can chose to use magic or alchemy to heal yourself. So he can be either a 'soul power' monk or a brilliant bookworm monk who has studied and meditated on knowledge.


You can make a new character and be a dark knight who uses melee and 2handed weapons and then use alchemy potions to make up for situations that can't be normally won via standard melee.(odds or enemies too tough. just raw #'s are way against you/impossible.) Or instead of alchemy, using magic spells. Since alchemy and magic typically went hand-in-hand.


There are so fewer skills in skyrim. perks have pidgeon-holed what you could do with alchemy effects and magic spell effects in oblivion/morrowind. Now, we could say the same was true going from morrowind to oblivion, but oblivion didn't quite alienate us hardcore players THAT much.


Basically what i'm saying is...once you've played one or two characters through the main story....that's it. There's no more depth. Play once through as a warrior. once as a thief. once as a mage. That's it. three play-throughs. You will be able to do all the major story plot options between those three playthroughs, and you don't even have to get to a high level to see the end of depth those 3 playstyles can provide. By 30-35 you can have access to all spells for mages, and all of your basic combat mechanics for stealth types and melee types are available to you by then. From that point on, all you're doing is rinse/repeat through ebony/daedric/dragon gear but the balance will remain the same. In oblivion, my dark knight had major turning points every 5-10 levels where his combat style and what situations he was able to handle changed a lot as well. By level 42 I could put the difficulty slider all the way up and do the final battle by tower and fight the palace guards and daedra. at level 32 I was barely capable of a single one. At 37 I could take 2 at once...all without mods. Careful study of the depth of the different aspects of alchemy, spells, health/magicka/stamina usage, and enchanted gear...There were just SO MANY more variables to a character's development.

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Skyrim is an empty place for the most part. Towns are a few homes with nothing going on and total lack of quests. The real problem is that you really can't add anything with the CK because it will cause CTD or just flat out break the game. Oblivion you could always make new stuff to add to the world. Skyrim is a broken game...visually it is nice looking but it is off my computer and now I just play Oblivion.
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it would be awesome if they redid skyrim with the oblivion gameplay but also make it so you can use two swords and not take away spell making


After studying the CK and papyrus over the weekend, my hopes for contributing major gameplay changers in Skyrim were dashed. Access to core RPG elements like experience points (both character and skill), are mostly off limits to the scripter. WTF? Creating a new skill is impossible unless you rewrite an existing one. WTF? Papyrus, 'while' probably a better way to script, really adds no new dimension of game control than what was available in GECK. Probably less. My hope is that the SKSE team will sort things out in the end. I just wish there was more information out there on how to make great mods like SkyUI.

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