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skyrim getting boring


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I'll add my 2 cents.


I've played both modded Oblivion and Skyrim...Also played both without mods...Also played Fo3 and FnV with and without mods.


A lot of arguements about how Oblivion was the better game than Skyrim don't hold up for me. Such as population response to the characters actions...Skyrim does this better, I could make the obvious argument that the Fallout series does eveything better than TES...especailly responses to character choices.


In most ways I feel Skyrim does everything better than Oblivion...The problem we face is that many of us have played Fo3 and are used to having more npc charcter depth and stronger response and story outcome consequences to our decisions.


The best arguement for Oblivion being the better game to me seems to be that we had to plan our character out b4 starting...pick a charcter class right off the bat...That in and of itself has an impact on how the game plays out.


Also considering that we did not have open world game experience coming into Oblivion unless we played the previous titles..the experience of the game was new and would have us playing hundreds of hours.


Those of us having played soo many open world titles have a matured sense of taste about what can be done with this kind of game so we expect more.

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When you get bored of skyrim you play morrowind after getting bored with that you can always jump back to skyrim unless your still bored of it witch then you can play oblivion. After beating Oblivion yet again your now safe to go back playing skyrim its an cycle of unending entertainment :biggrin:
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i loved oblivion, but skyrim not so much. they took out things i thought that were major such as not being able to make your own spells, i used to love doing this. they also took out the ability to make potions while out on the job, and the quest lines were horrible. another was attributes, mystic spells, a whole bunch of creatures they could have added. i thought they should have added goblins and the goblins and falmer would have great wars and stuff which would be cool. they just took out major factors from the game :confused:
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When I get bored of Skyrim, I make mods. When I get bored of making mods, I play Skyrim with them. But I did take a few months break this spring to focus on some projects in other games. But gah, right now I just hope autumn will arrive in an instant, so I dont have to stand this superhot climate in here while gaming :P I want to play more, but it's disgusting. Still have lots of quests to do eventhough I've played past 300 hours.
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Know how you feel. I lost interest in it after I saw my boyfriend destroy the game within a week. Won't spoil anything, but let's say the last guy wasn't very hard for him :P


Ever since then, all I've been doing is trying to find mods that make the game a heck of a lot harder. Hardcore Skyrim and Frostfall help, but something is still lacking. These days, I find a mod that looks cool, install it, test it, and that's about it.


Oblivion had something about it that made me want to play it more and more. Skyrim, to me, just feels like how I had Oblivion when I got it modded to my liking. Can't seem to get the spark back to play it. Doesn't help that most of the quests are broken either. I know I can just use console commands to fix some of that, but it isn't the same.


I'll probably come back to it once it gets fixed up more...but until then OMD! 2 it is :D

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I personally think that Skyrim is a better game than many people are making it out to be. It actually happens to be my favorite game out of the Elder Scrolls series, and I've been playing TES games since Morrowind. The moddability of this game is the same as (or perhaps even greater than) its predecessors, and it has much more content (mining, wood-chopping, smithing, dual-wielding, etc...). Modding this game is as fun as modding it's predecessors (or perhaps even more so). I also happen to like Skyrim's environment the most due to more variation (mountainous areas of the Reach, Alpine-like Pale, Autumn-like Rift, etc...) vs the repeating forest that covers most of Cyrodiil in Oblivion. It feels just as open as the previous games to the point where when I first played and started venturing away from Helgen, I was reminded of the journey away from Seyda Neen in Morrowind. When I'm not doing full quests, I do radiant quests or just free-roam as I did in previous games, and I actually like this game's storylines as well as Oblivion's (another set of storylines that were criticized, but a bit less so).


Also, it's actually a really stable game in my experience (almost no crashes). It's more stable than Oblivion and MUCH more stable than Fallout 3.


My only criticism of Skyrim is the lack of underwater combat; everything else is either fixed by mods and/or patches or not an issue for me.


With my more positive views of the game, naturally I get a little annoyed by topics like these popping up and thus usually avoid even reading them, but I might as well express my opinion on the subject before I go to put many arrows in many knees and cause many heads to roll after severing them with dual-wielded CURVED...SWORDS! :D

Edited by DeathWarrior
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idk why but i like glass swords much more in oblivion than skyrim, i guess for me skyrim swords look dull or something, and i wish they changed the way chillrend looked. i wonder if they are going to make a shivering isles or something like that for skyrim.


what i liked about oblivion was the more options you have with the character, and oblivion seemed less idk depressing. the snow and music of the game makes it really boring for me while oblivion made me want to travel much more. i also wish that they showed signs of your character from the last game insted of claiming the high elfs stop the oblivion gates.


i also hate how the blades were once dragon hunters, i mean like what the hell, you could have just kept it that they were king protectors and such. yes ik they have a dragon of their helmet but i just prefer them being protectors.

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