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skyrim getting boring


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i like what you do, i would do that but i cant because my skyrim lags and stuff when fighting so i dont have the nerve with doing that


I understand that and I had a similar experience with Skyrim - lag, freezes and so - until I discovered ENB, which basically solved my graphical issues with shadows and so and as well the game freezes and the lag. I am using an older ENB version, 0.9 something, which does the trick to me. So maybe try this first.


Edit: I am playing Skyrim for 8-10 hours in a row, when I get the time, and had no crashes since I installed ENB.

Edited by Ragosch
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I was getting bored because after my charakter reached a higher level (around 45) and got enchanted equiptment I was on a rampage on everything.

I also was scared of Alduin when first played (started on master difficulty), so I thought "ok, lets craft some bad ass gear for the last fight..." (I was an Ork with a Greatsword; cuz I like Malacath).

So there I was in Sovngarde, when the fight started I activated my bloodrush ability and....suprise... Alduin died after 3 power attacks... :wacko:

After that disappointing fight I direktly looked for a mod that raises the difficulty and I found a really good one.

http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4406 (Intense Difficulty by Pluto); that mod really brought back the challenging fun I once had in Skyrim. :thumbsup: :biggrin:

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i was waiting 9 month to buy skyrim.i really love tes and ofc i will love skyrim. but i was waiting for all patches and mods to be out and ready for dl. also i did not hype myself or watched lets plays.and b4 i will start first serious game i will mod my game to hell ;)


Hm, I am not sure that this is a good idea. You need some knowledge about the game to decide, which mod will enhance your game play and which one will just spoil it, because it makes things too easy or too hard. As someone who has meanwhile over 100 mods installed, I can tell you, that it is not easy to keep the game in balance, so that it is enjoyable to play it - and I had to use the creation kit several times to balance things between mods out.


And in general I think, you should have a taste of vanilla Skyrim first and then decide, what is worth modding.


well most of my mods are grafic mods and texture mods and ( all around making game look better and make npc behavior better like animation mods) i will add other stuff one by one while playing the game

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Well, running again and again into Draugr ruins, that all look the same, withhout anything "special" to do there (except the standard "get me XY"-random quest), gets boring after a while.


There are really not many "unique" quests. Also not many quests that actually change something.


Skyrim is a Sandbox. A Sandbox withhout much choices what to do.

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i dont get crashes at all but it does lag a bit while fighting, and i took care of shadows by just not using them at all. i first thought that shadows are a big part of the game so i need shadows even though it lags the game but once i got rid of it i found out it wasent much of a difference and it just made my game better
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Bored... well I was slightly bored but this was probably because of the side quests (they weren't that good) and the lack of exploring (its big, its filled, its detailed but its not Fallout 3).


The only two things that really dissapointed me were the marriage function (I was hoping for some spouse related side quests like the follower questst in Fallout New Vegas) and the puzzles in the dungeons (too easy and the traps weren't deadly enough).


The dungeons itself were pretty nice. The may look similiar but they all have their own design after all. If you want to walk trhough boring dungeons then play Dragon Age 2 (always the same dungeon model).


The main quest ending was okay but I hoped for an more epic boss fight. Alduins AI isn't the best during the battle.


I think Skyrims gameplay can be descripted as an "Legend of Zelda light" since its more an adventure than an RPG but it's still a good one.

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I am reminded of one of my favourite Death quotes from Terry Pratchett's The Hogfather: 'Human beings make life so interesting. Do you know that in a universe so full of wonders they have managed to invent boredom? Quite astonishing...'


I've been at Skyrim for over 160 hours on the same character. I haven't been playing it non-stop since last November because other things have caught my interest. The same happened with Oblivion, but I always went back. I've played quite a bit of Skyrim this month, whilst learning how to mod, and I have yet to experience this thing you call... boredom


Sure, it could use a little tweaking here and there. I would like to think that the librarian will make a discovery from all these bizarrely placed writings of Shalidor I keep fetching for him... But there's plenty to see and do! And as has been pointed out repeatedly: the modding community will provide. It's easily the best game I've played sonce Oblivion and it can only get better.

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i realized something about modding that i absolutely hate!, the thing i hate is how us modders (atleast i do this) mod our games more than we actually play them. me myself i think im always going to find something really really exciting, but i only find some decent mods :wallbash:
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If the game is stale to you, try installing some immersion mods such as frostfall (requires proper clothing for cold weather through the use of exposure points), imp's more complex needs ( requires food and water), fishing (this is superb) and a modified timescale. These few mods combined with better horses (self explanatory) have me 200+ hours into the game without completing the main quest line.... I have no interest in the quest line now I guess because of the fantastic immersion. There are many mods compatible with more complex needs that cater to immersion such as mods to the animal kingdom, bugs, fowl, and even more fish. Look these up, they will dynamically alter your game play. Skyrim is an immense canvas upon which many modders have created realistic and beautiful works. Stay away from the console version.... that's for button mashers. Skyrim can be and is for me, a thinking man's game.
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i realized something about modding that i absolutely hate!, the thing i hate is how us modders (atleast i do this) mod our games more than we actually play them. me myself i think im always going to find something really really exciting, but i only find some decent mods :wallbash:


Really? That's part of what I enjoy about these games.


I spend more time playing around with mods than playing the actual game, but I love every minute of it (except when there's mod conflict with 200+ mods and I'm going through Wrye and TES4Edit line by line, but that's the Oblivion situation, Skyrim's not there yet).

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