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Factions/Enemy not hostile

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Is there another way of making an enemy hostile towards the player without using factions?
I've been changing around enemies and I have one now who won't attack me unless I attack them first.
I've checked the faction and even made a new one and they still won't attack the player.

Edited by OmegaGray479
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Is there another way of making an enemy hostile towards the player without using factions?

I've been changing around enemies and I have one now who won't attack me unless I attack them first.

I've checked the faction and even made a new one and they still won't attack the player.

I have the Player Faction set as Enemy in the Feral Ghoul Faction & The Feral Ghoul Faction set as Enemy in the Player Faction but the Feral Ghoul won't attack me unless I attack first.

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No idea but you could try using the Papyrus command, StartCombat. Maybe try clicking on your enemy in console, type StartCombat(Game.GetPlayer). Can't remember if there is any other quick command. You could try variations of that (papyrus is not same as console) like StarCombat.Player etc
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You may have an Aggression/Confidence issue (Unaggressive / cautious) have a read of AI Data Tab and if necessary to avoind editing base game assets, consider using something like this on your hostiles:

Function HostileNPCSetValues(ObjectReference akActorRef)
	akActorRef.SetValue(pAggression, 1.0) ; Aggressive will attack Enemies on sight NOT neutrals.
	akActorRef.SetValue(pAssistance, 1.0) ; Helps Allies Will only help Allies.
	akActorRef.SetValue(pConfidence, 4.0) ; Foolhardy will never avoid/flee from anyone.
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I believe that aggression, assistance and confidence can also be managed on demand from the console with getav and setav:


targetID.getav 000002bc ; aggression

targetID.getav 000002c1 ; assistance

targetID.getav 000002bd ; confidence

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Might you be able to provide a link of how to apply this?
I'm still working on learning papyrus. Up until now all I've done is change actor and item data, changing inventories and landscaping.
I watched this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIJnSvSnaYo and got to the part when you compile the script but it said Failed.


Edit: 121217 919am

So idk how I managed to do this but the enemy that won't attack only happens with my one character.
The enemy is hostile to my other characters and the new one that I made to see if that was an issue.

Edited by OmegaGray479
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