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Weird Bodyslide bug when attempting to make custom Jinx outfit


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With Nuka World I thought of doing a playthrough with a more antagonistic chaotic style to embrace the raider style and stick to to Preston, and then I had the idea that one of my favorite League of Legends characters, Jinx, would fit right in with the gangs of Nuka World! So I set out to recreate her style on my character and have gotten pretty far and after making a great looking face and some custom hair that came out fantastic, it was time to dress the part too.


I got it all looking nice and pretty in bodyslide, spun up the CK and made a plugin for it and everything, but when I loaded the outfit up in game I noticed that there was massive stretching and compression in the chest and belly that didn't exist in either the outfit studio or bodyslide previews and it's only affected on my custom outfit. To make matters worse, passing through a load screen while wearing the outfit on myself or a follower causes the game to CTD. I've spent all day redoing everything thinking it's either a bone and weight issue or the body adjustment sliders got messed up somehow when I attempted to make it bodyslide compatible, trying to rebuild it incase I missed a step but my latest attempt only made it worse, with additional distortions in the right arm now and I'm at a loss as to what's causing this. I've done so much googling and can't find any similar issues from previous mod creators nor a solution, so if someone could clue me in as to what a possible solution would be you'd save me a massive headache lol.


Here's a screenshot of the weirdness:



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You need to open up your outfit in outfit studio, open a reference body, then select all parts of your outfit, right click and select copy all bone weights...



Mind, if you run into any other issues, I recommend reading a tutorial on outfit studio...

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It looks like there are sections of the new outfit with no bone weight set.


Did you use Outfit Studio to get the outfit into the game? That should tell you if there's boneweight missing.



You need to open up your outfit in outfit studio, open a reference body, then select all parts of your outfit, right click and select copy all bone weights...



Mind, if you run into any other issues, I recommend reading a tutorial on outfit studio...

Strangely I did do this, I even used the "mask weighted vertices" to check for any unweighted regions and it placed a dark mask over literally everything with no light spots so I wasn't able to tell where the missing unweighted vertices are that it keeps notifying me exist every time I save the project or attempt to export the nif.


Edit: I found part of the problem not at least after a night to rest the stress from my mind, the outfit includes gloves so I imported a hand reference and copied the hand weights and now the distortions are gone and it looks pretty good! However I still have the issue of the armor crashing the game during load screens when worn.... and I have not even the faintest idea what could cause that (maybe that's more CK related than nif/bodyslide/texture?)

Edited by CharleStone
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With continued brainstorming and tweaking I've narrowed down the problem somewhat. The CTD's only happen when loading up the main world while wearing my outfit (basically anytime I leave Diamond City or any building or vault back into the main world). Going from load screen to load screen within the same building doesn't CTD while wearing any outfit including my mod one. Removing any textures or material files from the outfit (leaving it with the empty purple flat default textures) fixes the CTD completely so clearly the cause is either the way I set up the material files or less likely the textures themselves are the cause. Will be doing more research in how to handle material files as the Material Editor is also a new program I learned just for this mod and lack experience in. Some of the textures do include transparency is also to note.

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Anyone else have any advice to help me along?


Edit: Finally have resolution! After many hours struggling in Nifskope I found the issue to my game ctd during loading the main world was caused by inappropriate shader flags on the nif. I can now finally enjoy my armor in peace.

Edited by CharleStone
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