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Your Quirky Behaviors


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I like to use telekinesis on EVERYTHING. and that usually means bouncing hour glasses and the sorts off NPC's heads while they stand there and take it.

Yeah, that's fun. Throwing pitches and glasses right into the face of an innkeeper.

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Guys guys.


We are just freaks. Collecting skulls? Diamonds by corpses?

Its just as well this is a game huh? :blink:


Yeah, if I encountered skulls all over the place in my daily life, I'd probably collect them too. Though, unlike oblivion, i probably wouldn't decorate with them. Creeps out the ladyfolk.


I have a thing about dead bodies. Not like that though.

I have to show respect for the dead.... Conversly though I can't stand to leave bandit corpses and such on the roads so I end up blasting them into the undergrowth.


Yes because blasting bodies to kingdom come is the ultimate form of respect :woot:


See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0Xh9n2-Sp0

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I always make a shrine for a fallen comrade. It consists of flora or anything from where they died, and their weapon, helmet, and if they carried a shield I include that, also. If my character happends to walk by the shrine, I put them in sneak mode; it looks like there're giving their respect.
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I am one of those dress for the occasion types.

I mean if I am being sneaky..then sneaky, black clothes right? Going to talk to the Count or Countess....not going to show up in rags! Must dress nice!


All too true. It's not polite to wear armour and carry weapons when calling upon nobility. I pretend there's a stall between sections of IC and change clothing to fit the area I'm in. Dress different for each town and time of day....what little bit of time she's in town. Most of the weight my character carries is clothing. A few things to eat, a few bottles of mead, and a few dozen arrows. ...heh.... think she's got more articles of clothing than arrows.


In open country, I dispose of bodies; in dungeons, let them rot or leave them for the next occupants to munch on.


Eat twice a day, sleep six hours, and if water is near, bathe. I mean, who wants a sinky wood elf ?

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I change outfits. Right after combat.


I find it fun to trip and fall, and die... on several mistakes. Using the Realistic Fatigue mod. Tripping is fun.


I stack up corpses in one place. I did that with bandits at Vilverin.



Running is a way of life for my character.... not a tank....uses only a bow... she dies a lot. In seven months I've finally made 14th level


How do stack up bodies ?

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I dragged them to one place. A whole pile of looted bodies. I may apply bricks next :P


How do you drag them into place ? I tried a mod that claimed to let you pick up bodies, but it didn't work for me. May have conflited with something else. Strange how some mods that are totally unrelated can effect each other.

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Me? Have quirky behaviors? NEVER!



Ok, maybe a few, but nearly as quirky as skull collector...


First things first, I keep every item I deem moderately important, this includes armor, weapons, clothes, rings, amulets, staffs, etc...


Second, I have them organized in frostcrag spire by those categories.


Third, using the Midas Magic Mod summon catapult and bomb spells, I will, at random, lay seige to the IC.



That's it, I'm afraid I'm a little too normal...I'll have to start my collection of deadra hearts by my nightstand :confused:



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Girls and Boys


I think if we can learn anything from this wierd honesty session it is that we have no right to judge, point and call one another "freak" as we all seem to be more than a little OCD.

Let he who is without a secret stash of yarn cast the first mutilated corpse as a great person should really say. :sick:


Philosophical bit.

It seems that death becomes a curiosity for most of us. It is something to observe, inflict and in many cases experience for all of us in Oblivion. There is no society to tell us what is and is not acceptable in this realm and our attempts to obey or flout morality is telling.


Interestingly, the blurb on the box for KOTN states that the player is somebody of "true heart". Yeah...also somebody who has robbed, killed and rogered their way through half of Cyrodil for the Experience.

End of song.


Oh, and if there is a prize for the undisputed king of Whack-jobs... if you want it, it yours "Mr. I've got a huge pile of skulls at home. Is that wierd?" guy. :thumbsup:


Perhaps I should start a similar collection of rib cages. You know. Just for sh*ts and giggles.

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