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add a tutorial to a new race


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You (and your users) will need to use either one of the custom race fix mods or the Unofficial Oblivion Patch (which includes a custom race fix).
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I wouldn't call it "to fix your mod" though. There is nothing to "fix". A custom race, "any" custom race, simply cannot start the game without a dialog condition added to Valen Dreth specifically for this race.


Using the UOP and its included fix for this, or any other Custom Race Fix mod out there, will solve this issue on a generic base, for "all" custom races the same. It only requires listing a custom race fix mod as a requirement for your mod, as it's still not as broadly known as we'd like it to, that custom races "require" a custom race fix by all means.


It can of course also be solved different ways, maybe by adding just one specific entry for only your race to Valen Dreth's dialog, but this could as well be asking for conflicts, if every such custom race mod would be changing Valen's dialog options over and over and over.


There's also the way to make your custom race be "treated as" any other race, via a race "alias", but this is scripting and may not work in all cases or under all conditions.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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Sorry, but did you click Nephenee's link at all? It leads you to your uploaded files management page, where you see a list of all your released mods together with buttons:

- "Edit attributes" -> allows you to change displayed file's name, short description, long description, version number, permission and distribution options, commenting settings etc.,

- "Edit files" -> add, delete or modify-attributes-of actual uploaded files shown on your download page, this is where you can upload a new version and replace or remove the old file,

- "Required Files", "images", "Videos", "Mirrors", "Tag this file", "Upload Readme", "Change Log", all self-explaining pretty much,

- and last but not least "Hide File" and "Delete File", to hide or delete the whole page from the list of mods.


What else is there you could need to do what you intended?


Was it a duplicate name for an uploaded file on one of your download pages? Then remove the old file before uploading the new version. Or simply add something like version information to the new filename instead. But for usability's sake you should remove, or at least move to "old versions", the old version of your file anyways.


You can't release another mod of your's with the exact same name as another one of your's, or at least I think you can't, but as you were told to better update your existing mod upload pages instead of always creating a new one for each update, this shouldn't even be a related issue.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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