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CTD at any and all Weapons Workbench, but none of the others.


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I have just over 20 hours into Fallout 4 and love modding my weapons. I have Weaponsmith and AWKCR installed along with about 20 other mods but no standalone weaponry for the game. All of a sudden, without installing any other mods, every time I try to operate the weapons workbench (not the weaponsmith WB) it will CTD. I cannot figure it out. I have tried reinstalling any mods that might have any relationship to weaponry or armor but to no success.

Suggestions? I have been trying different things for a couple days now and haven't seen a forum solely on the weapons workbench. Thanks

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There's a possibility you haven't got the meshes for some weaponry that has been added through other mods. Usually, a crash only occurs when hovering over such a weapon in your inventory, but since a workbench loads the meshes of all your weapons in case you want to make changes to them, the game will crash because of the missing meshes.

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