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New Race won't animate.


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I'm trying to make a new Feral Ghoul race by copying the race and changing the new race's armor to FeralGhoulRace. It worked great for a new human race (armor to HumanRace of course) but when in-game all my ghouls just stand in "editor pose". They'll turn toward me in an unnerving way, but that's about it. I'm not sure where I'm going wrong.


Any help would be great.

Edited by gob2
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awesome to hear!

new lands and new-enemies are always awesome stuff.


I recommend speaking with BlahblahDEEblahblah,

and learning from them how they achieved the 'stick-figure' critters for that.

it's a little more complex if you want a custom geometry etc to move a certain way -

you'll need to proper generate all the mvd and movement controllers and node-hierarchy itself.

if the mesh is transparent, and you have moving animated surfaces, then you also need the keyframes to be seamlessly keyed to the onevents from the animation too. (ie, for a "2D-3D" mapped to transparent solid)


if your new critter/characters are more the latter,

then I recommend tracking down if you can find them

the folks who made the Theta Tan Realm mod, stefan and bryce (the person not the program hehe)

I believe it was. I'm unsure if they're still here NMM

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