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LOD generator, guide to them

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Need help with understand the these versions of it. What is LOD? I'v read the descriptions, still a bit unclear


https://rd.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/15781 older?


https://rd.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/40549 Newer version of above?


If gridstoload is set to 11, that means anything outside that is covered by the LOD gen?






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The first one is for seeing stuff like forts, ruins, buildings etc. in the distance (like how you can see the IC and White Gold Tower from pretty well anywhere). The second does similar but for the landscape (i.e. the actual ground you walk on).


Two different things.

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The first one is for seeing stuff like forts, ruins, buildings etc. in the distance (like how you can see the IC and White Gold Tower from pretty well anywhere). The second does similar but for the landscape (i.e. the actual ground you walk on).


Two different things.








This? So, one for landscape and one for buildings. OK.

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