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Mesh to Bright


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Alright so I have been trying to get this mesh working, but in game the mesh is just way to bright. I used one of the hair meshes as a base for it, and I have tried everything I can think of to fix it up. I know its not the textures themselves because I tried it with different textures, I think the problem might be that the mesh is not for some reason reading the normal map as being there. I also know I have the textures set up right and included both of them in the BSLightingShaderProperty.

I use blender, is there some button or somthing I am missing to make it use the normal map?


The mesh, it is just the fluff that is having the issue the rest of the meshes are just perfect in game:



I really want to fix this so I can release the mod. D:

Edited by nivea
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when you say you used one of the hair meshes for the base of it, are you using a hairs BSLightingShaderProperty settings as well? you probably shouldn't if it is not actually set up in engine as a hair. that is a specific shader type, which afaik is basically for hair. You should probably just use a more standard shader type, like 0.


possible other issues to check on are vertex normals, and the actual shader flags you are using, check for incompatibilities like, using sf_vertex_color, but not using vertex color (or rather the opposite, no sense adding extra data per vertex in the case of not actually using it or it being a shader requirement, just turn the shader flag off. etc.)

Edited by Ghogiel
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No I made sure to get rid of the hair shader and there is no vertex color or anything like that turned on it, its really odd when I remove a normal map from my other meshes they turn blackish but when I remove it from this mesh it does nothing. *Grumbles* I hate when you can never figure somthing out it eats at me when I try to sleep rofl.
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you don't want to remove vertex normals. unless you are using object space normal maps for your mesh, ie bodies, that is the only time you would ever do that. But you set normals to yes and num UV sets to 4097 and update tangent space to get those back and tspace working. you know, so your tangent space normal maps will actually work :thumbsup: Edited by Ghogiel
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Tried it both ways and its all the same still, running out of settings to alter rofl. Thanks for trying to help me Ghogiel. ToT
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