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CTD caused by internet?


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Hello there,

I have a strange problem with Skyrim SE. Dunno why but when I launch the game after Bethesda logos, my game just does CTD. Same problem happens when I try to launch the game w/o any mods.
So I did some research and I've found, that someone had the same problem as I have and the only way that helped him to play the game w/o CTD at the startup was turning off his wifi or simply disconnecting internet from the computer. So did I and that helped. Mid game I can even connect internet and game still works perfectly. I have no clue what is happening to the game. Same problem is happening with the Fallout 4 :sad:

It is annoying, I have to turn off internet just to launch the game ... Please can someone help?


PS. And I am also sorry for my english (if I did any mistakes) because it's not my native language :laugh:

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It's the Steam Cloud bug, i'll explain


1) go into steam and turn off the Cloud completely and here is why


Steam Cloud works retroactively AND continuously. What I mean by that is it will record what you do IE install mods, and then later when you uninstall a mod, Cloud RE-installs the files for it. Now if that wasn't bad enough, Cloud will also replace any files that you delete for any Steam connected game, so if you delete some older saves, Cloud will replace them.


As you can see Cloud can be very acidic for gamers.


2) make sure Cloud is turned off GLOBALLY, not just for one game

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1) Doesn't matter how you run the game, it still has to be verified through steam when you first run it


2) you're going to continue to crash untill you make a new game with the Cloud turned off, any previous save is going to be looking for what ever files Cloud re-installed


3) The Steam cloud bug has been an issue since windows 7, it doesn't matter what version you're running in this particular case, also, just do a google search and you will see for yourself that countless people have had this problem


For instance:



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unmodded, or uninstalled?


Some files from some mods will still try to run unless you completely remove the mod and ALL of it's files


as for your wifi messing up your game, that's completely impossible UNLESS someone is piggy backing your wifi and messing with you lol

Edited by gromulos
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