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Is the fight for net neutrality that important


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Kindly direct me to the Bible passage or the line in the Constitution that enumerates these rights. The only inalienable rights that I am aware of are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Can you please refer to the Declaration of Independence of your own country before continuing this discussion? It will save further embarrassment and not for me. Hint: look for the word among.


Our inherent God-given rights are the entirety of our Bill of Rights and they're by no means limited to those already recognized by our government. Federal, state or otherwise. Were you never taught this much in your education? Our currently recognized constitutional rights are inherent, unalienable (which means they are specifically NOT provided or granted by our government) and can never under any conditions whatsoever be denied or eliminated for law abiding citizens, they can only be subjugated either by treason (as is the case here) or temporary legislation (e.g. the "Patriot" Act and resulting disregard of our Fourth and other Amendments at our borders and airports etc).


Also, sorry if this is a misstatement of your opinion, but if you seriously believe the totality of our God-given rights is limited to whatever is currently recognized by Donald Trump and our government, imo that view is not only incorrect it's truly frightening. It's precisely how it works in most totalitarian Communist countries including China and imo you might love it there.


Make no mistake, this is nothing other than an attempt to destroy both the internet and public expectations of protected constitutional rights for internet traffic. Another result of the internet's rise is that it (in its currently unprotected form) has proven to be the mother lode of efficiency for our law enforcement and national security employees. Not that I have anything against efficiency per se, but it's currently at the cost of our privacy and even occasionally our free speech rights. Assembled evidence for cases against us is often as easy as the push of a single Print button. Etc. When I make these seemingly histrionic claims about installed fascism now being a reality in our country, they are neither histrionic nor even claims. We must restore, defend and protect our constitutional rights for internet traffic and do so now, completely and permanently. As an American nothing short of that is acceptable to me from my own paid employees.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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I think if you looked up the definition of treason you might be more circumspect about it's use.

As for my views, it's what I write not what you infer. You are passionate about the subject, I can empathize with that.

However to me, it seems your logic train is pulling into the Conspiracy Depot.

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  On 12/21/2017 at 3:20 AM, Aurielius said:

I think if you looked up the definition of treason you might be more circumspect about it's use.

I think if you looked up the definition of treason you'd understand our current situation with the FCC. There has never in our entire 240-year history been a clearer, more vile or brazen example of it, except Nixon imo. Up until Wednesday we had existing and potential protected rights for internet traffic, and on Thursday we did not. Their primary sworn oath of office is to defend and protect our Constitution (including our Bill of Rights), not sell it to Comcast and Disney and Rupert Murdoch to repay The Donald's campaign debts. Details on that gladly furnished on request if anyone here cares.


As for CT I'm always first in line to both point it out and discredit it. This ain't it and I wish to God it was. It's about money as always, and please don't make me explain my basic defense of the corporate profit motive again. It's not the problem imo. Last Thursday the immoral human garbage now calling itself our president and our FCC committed the most brazen act of treason against the American people and our Constitution in 240 years, except for Nixon, and even a reversal of this treason isn't relevant to their crime. Trump installed an industry and Republican shill as our FCC Chair, in direct violation of the agency's charter and stacked the commission with industry shills for this specific decision, a decision which was against the will of 93% of the American people. It is nothing other than concerted and conspired treason.


Also, did anyone take note of Trump's "diplomacy tour" to China, right before the latest abomination called a Republican tax plan was implemented? This is the exact same president who also just entirely nixed our country's diplomacy efforts with Korea -- and doomed both our country, theirs and all eight billion inhabitants of our planet to imo certain nuclear holocaust.


The Republicans just fixed our China problem by eliminating entirely our existing corporate tax on overseas production. Does anyone in America have a functioning brain? Thanks to this new "tax plan" the mass treason from our failed federal government continues, and we continue selling out the economic and political futures of our own children for $0.50 toothbrushes and $50 computer monitors. It's why I believe there may very well be no America left to defend or protect. I know I'm exhausted after almost a half century of ranting about it, but the bottom line is that not a single person in that same half century and regardless of party has ever explained to me how it's possible even in theory for free market capitalism to compete with totalitarian Communism. I challenge anyone also regardless of party to look at our national debt, trade and other economic charts and claim our situation is sustainable long-term.


As issues, both China and our internet protection transcend both political party and partisanship. I'd be last to blame Comcast for fighting to maintain last century's business models with regard to media content control, distribution, advertising etc, but not at the expense of our new century's primary private communications network and certainly not at the expense of my constitutional rights to free speech, privacy and the rest for its traffic. If the resident liars on our current FCC are claiming the internet is anything either substantially or practically different from our phone, mail and other private communications networks, that claim disproves itself and I have no clue how they even got away with it. It's why I brought up the law enforcement/national security issue, because if that's who's really behind this, the fight to reverse this decision will imo likely be exponentially longer and harder and (God forbid) may not happen at all. In which case Lady Liberty really has been finally raped to death after a half century of gang banging. We'll know in a few weeks if the 60-day window Congress has to reverse the FCC's decision comes and goes without action or with failed (or even limited) action to restore our rights for internet traffic. The fight for our internet is now, even though only one eventuality (protection as a common carrier communications utility) is possible and remains for it. I'm hoping against all hope our Congress doesn't pointlessly delay the inevitable by forsaking their own oaths of office to protect Trump's and the FCC's treason. IMO the two have no leg to stand on, 20 years from now people will look back and ask exactly who not only proposed the end of net neutrality, and that our internet be stripped of its common carrier status and protections, but accomplished these abominations against the express will of 93% of the very people these proven traitors are being paid and put in office by, and who PAID AND CONTINUE TO PAY FOR BOTH THE NETWORK AND OUR TRAITOR EMPLOYEES. And if the books are accurate they can only point to Trump and his trumped FCC. I have yet to run into anyone, even the few Comcast employees we know, who defends this decision. Apparently these people care more about their own constitutional rights and those of their own families than Comcast's and Disney's profits. With this FCC decision both our president and FCC not only indicated but proved the same cannot be said for them.


As long as breath issues in me the internet and my personal computer will not be converted into an evil, immoral box that sits in the middle of my home and spews endless forced advertising, the insipid at best excuses for advertising they call programming, artificial need, relentless conflict, violence and orchestrated political discontent. In other words, cable TV service. It is the true goal of this FCC action, and again 20 years from now people are going to ask who even proposed and pushed for (and installed FCC Chairs for) this treason.


Once again, the American people through previous legislation have already paid for the very network our rights were just stripped from. By our own paid employees.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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