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Mod Author Donation System


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In response to post #56122481. #56122606, #56157386 are all replies on the same post.

Niborino9409 wrote:

2) Quantity over quality. System abuse. Why work harder on a complex mod if there's real possibility to get most downloads with lowest effort, and users still gonna love it? Important thing: popularity != quality. Endless armors and weapons nifskope mash-ups, rule-of-cool small mods that catch an eye, etc. I'm not saying these types of mods are bad. But increasing amount of them leads to decreasing number of, let's say, quest mods. Or general gameplay mods.

When you have these two forces in action on a constant basis, only result is decay.

p.s. Right now we have people that are abusing "HOT files" that works in a similar way: popularity. Imagine money involvement. Hot files abuse will be a joke in comparison.

Regarding point # 2, you forget that that not all authors will mod for points. There's a demographic that mod for their own sake too. Like I'm not going to start churning out big boob followers just because that would yield more points. I'd rather do mods that I like to do regardless of the points. And I'm hoping more authors think that way too, we all started and stayed cause it was fun and we enjoy it.


And I second that, what's "Hot files abuse"? :huh:

Xilandro wrote: You can't talk for everyone, that's the problem. Only thing that I know for sure - money changes the way people think. Even the best of us can fall for it.

about hotfiles abuse - read my reply to Dark0ne
sopmac45 wrote: There are hundreds of mods for Skyrim and Fallout 4, more than 3 thousand for each game ... quantity but not quality ... I will happily reward a mod author who develop a very good to excellent mod and that is the reason that for either game, I do not have more than a 100 mods, simply, because the rest, for me and IMHO, are not really good. Have 71 in Fallout 4 and 97 in Skyrim ... Nexus cannot stop people from creating mods and publish them but I guess it will depend on the community to rate and reward only the mods that we believe are really good.

i feel you cant talk for everyone either, in fact everything your saying could just not happen, or just get ironed out as it always has. people have the ability to make up their own mind, Money does not have to be the root of all evil. That comes down to people and if in the end someone is being a detriment to the community. as the community it is our job to vote with our downloads. For that matter if you feel someone is doing wrong without breaking the rules then i guess that just where the community is.we can talk and we can persuade each other on what is proper etiquette, but it is our downloads that say the most.

Not to say I'm Down playing endorsements or kudos, those are like screaming from the roof your love of someone.
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In response to post #56122481. #56122606, #56157386, #56166926 are all replies on the same post.

Niborino9409 wrote:

2) Quantity over quality. System abuse. Why work harder on a complex mod if there's real possibility to get most downloads with lowest effort, and users still gonna love it? Important thing: popularity != quality. Endless armors and weapons nifskope mash-ups, rule-of-cool small mods that catch an eye, etc. I'm not saying these types of mods are bad. But increasing amount of them leads to decreasing number of, let's say, quest mods. Or general gameplay mods.

When you have these two forces in action on a constant basis, only result is decay.

p.s. Right now we have people that are abusing "HOT files" that works in a similar way: popularity. Imagine money involvement. Hot files abuse will be a joke in comparison.

Regarding point # 2, you forget that that not all authors will mod for points. There's a demographic that mod for their own sake too. Like I'm not going to start churning out big boob followers just because that would yield more points. I'd rather do mods that I like to do regardless of the points. And I'm hoping more authors think that way too, we all started and stayed cause it was fun and we enjoy it.


And I second that, what's "Hot files abuse"? :huh:

Xilandro wrote: You can't talk for everyone, that's the problem. Only thing that I know for sure - money changes the way people think. Even the best of us can fall for it.

about hotfiles abuse - read my reply to Dark0ne
sopmac45 wrote: There are hundreds of mods for Skyrim and Fallout 4, more than 3 thousand for each game ... quantity but not quality ... I will happily reward a mod author who develop a very good to excellent mod and that is the reason that for either game, I do not have more than a 100 mods, simply, because the rest, for me and IMHO, are not really good. Have 71 in Fallout 4 and 97 in Skyrim ... Nexus cannot stop people from creating mods and publish them but I guess it will depend on the community to rate and reward only the mods that we believe are really good.
Airbreathers wrote: i feel you cant talk for everyone either, in fact everything your saying could just not happen, or just get ironed out as it always has. people have the ability to make up their own mind, Money does not have to be the root of all evil. That comes down to people and if in the end someone is being a detriment to the community. as the community it is our job to vote with our downloads. For that matter if you feel someone is doing wrong without breaking the rules then i guess that just where the community is.we can talk and we can persuade each other on what is proper etiquette, but it is our downloads that say the most.

Not to say I'm Down playing endorsements or kudos, those are like screaming from the roof your love of someone.

Xilando, now i know i just disagreed with you, BUT I want to say I think you do some great work and i really appreciate all that you do, Both with your really cool mods, and weighing in here on this super important topic, this is something that we all have to get right, It really matters.
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In response to post #56081311.

SamPayne647 wrote: This seems like a really cool concept! It's nice to get a little something back from a hobby! Thank you for making Nexus an even greater community to be apart in! :D

Well its much better than Bethesda thing.
And remember guys (and girls), mods are created for fun and in spare time, not for profit.

What i see from this system is just a bonus and nothing else. But to be perfect it must be implented right (people who spam bad mods or steal from others should be punished from using this system)
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I hope my english is good enough to say what I want to. Please be polite.


Next step to split the comunity further. This development makes me very sad. What is the intention behind your doings? I can't see any advantage for modders and players.


I have put thousands of hours in the development of my mod. I decided to share it so users can play it if they want, because that's what I can give freely to the comunity. It's great if there is some feedback, but I never care for endorsement. I know myself if I had done a good job or not. I'm not into competition, for what is it good for? If you want to have one, then make special actions once or thrice a year, or whatever with a certain theme. I'm doing this and it's fun and pain, but this is to me. I know there are people outside who like it. Recognition is always nice, but you can't force people to give it. No system will work to achieve this.

And to bring in money in either form is the end of free and carefree modding. You expel many modders into the second row. And if they only make the hundreths Lydja mod, they just do what they can and like, invested their time and for those nexus should stay open as for anyone else. It's the decision of the player what mods he want to use.

You make people who do not pay feel like they are judged. The feeling of second class.

If someone want to make money with mods he should setup his own internetshop. And if some player wants to support a modder who offers his work for free he could do it private with a PM and state it out unvisible for the comunity.

This all will bring in more complication for both, modders and players.

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In response to post #56085816. #56102921 is also a reply to the same post.

SanguinBlack wrote: Unfortunately, there are some authors here (rather more than less) who treat people like dirtbags -assumably with the confidence provided by the impossibility of facing any obstacles or any downsides in the process- but will strictly forbid any kind of criticism.

So no, this is not fair and is against my will.

And most people share the same thoughts with me but either they prefer keeping quiet about it in the exchange of not getting banned or their comments have been already removed.
JN273 wrote: I disagree with you that there are more than less. But there are definitely some out there but I can only come up with a few. This system will mostly benefit people with a lot of downloads, so basically recognized mod authors. And again like many before me have said and I'll say it as well. Mod authors post their mods here for free. You as a user downloads whatever mods you fancy for free. What do you give back?

So with that said, now thanks to this system you will help authors because lets face it, most people don't donate to mod authors even if they deserve it. And I just need to say that I completely disagree with your last statement. I see plenty of people that express their opinion. I think because you're a fairly new user, you should be careful speaking for a community you haven't been a part of for long, like you've known it for years.

You see, I did not go full fanboy about this tread, posted my actual opinion on the matter within the line of ethics and I'm already getting pushed away.

Just go check EnaiSiaion's Sacrosanct mod comment section, you'll see what I mean. Around %80 of the comments in the Nexus are like ''omg this is the best mod ever!'' because obviously, no other opinion is allowed and people are treated badly. It is just unrealistic that all people from around the globe comment the same way. You can also google some authors and find out that they keep insulting users on other platforms like reddit etc. Just an example.

Like you said, the mods are free, which is a choice made by author, meaning: user doesn't have to give anything. Doesn't mean the user will be kept responsible for the choice made by author.

I understand ''if you don't like my mod, don't use it'' attitude to some degree. But the authors literally have nothing to fear when treating people badly and even insult them. This needs to solved first before forced donation gets put on the table.

Also your argument is childish and based on assumptions. You are like players in Overwatch's bronze league who will creep around people's profiles like it is some kind of superpower and spam ''You have X hours on Hanzo, you suck, omg''. An example being that you've assumed this is my first account or this account represents my relation date with Nexus, in reality, things are different. I remember my first ever account to get banned because an author insulted me in a really bad concept and I responded back. My relation with Nexus dates back approximately to pre-release of Oldrim.

In the end, it is not okay for users to express opinions but it is okay to get donations from the users that are being forbid to express opinions. Edited by SanguinBlack
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In response to post #56169581.

Tasheni wrote: I hope my english is good enough to say what I want to. Please be polite.

Next step to split the comunity further. This development makes me very sad. What is the intention behind your doings? I can't see any advantage for modders and players.

I have put thousands of hours in the development of my mod. I decided to share it so users can play it if they want, because that's what I can give freely to the comunity. It's great if there is some feedback, but I never care for endorsement. I know myself if I had done a good job or not. I'm not into competition, for what is it good for? If you want to have one, then make special actions once or thrice a year, or whatever with a certain theme. I'm doing this and it's fun and pain, but this is to me. I know there are people outside who like it. Recognition is always nice, but you can't force people to give it. No system will work to achieve this.
And to bring in money in either form is the end of free and carefree modding. You expel many modders into the second row. And if they only make the hundreths Lydja mod, they just do what they can and like, invested their time and for those nexus should stay open as for anyone else. It's the decision of the player what mods he want to use.
You make people who do not pay feel like they are judged. The feeling of second class.
If someone want to make money with mods he should setup his own internetshop. And if some player wants to support a modder who offers his work for free he could do it private with a PM and state it out unvisible for the comunity.
This all will bring in more complication for both, modders and players.

YES, thank you.
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In response to post #56160276. #56166746 is also a reply to the same post.

CyniclyPink wrote: I'm all for mod authors getting some reward for their efforts. Some have taken years to complete. I hope this works out OK.
Airbreathers wrote: I think you have the right idea.

Except it is modder's choice to make a free mod, no one should be kept responsible for it but the modder. If they want money, this is not the site. And it should remain as user's choice to donate extra.
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Except it is modder's choice to make a free mod, no one should be kept responsible for it but the modder. If they want money, this is not the site. And it should remain as user's choice to donate extra.



Wrong. It is Beth 's law that forbid to receive monetary compensation for a mod not the modder's choice. While anybody else can make money out of it (Tubeurs)


This new system doesn't prevent you to donate if you wish, neither it is forced on anyone.

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