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Mod Author Donation System


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In response to post #56208246. #56208656 is also a reply to the same post.

Vanguarde2017 wrote: Modding is a hobby, not a job.
Ethreon wrote: So?

Does that mean no one should be rewarded for their work? The OP already said it won't allow you to quit your day job, just add a reward system. The way I see it, the money they're giving to mod authors is the money we give Nexus by viewing their ads, so it basically us directly rewarding modders. I think it's a fine idea if executed correctly.
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In response to post #56181426.




ComScreen wrote:

In response to post #56160276. #56166746, #56170356, #56171606, #56173686, #56177316 are all replies on the same post.




CyniclyPink wrote: I'm all for mod authors getting some reward for their efforts. Some have taken years to complete. I hope this works out OK.
Airbreathers wrote: I think you have the right idea.
SanguinBlack wrote: Except it is modder's choice to make a free mod, no one should be kept responsible for it but the modder. If they want money, this is not the site. And it should remain as user's choice to donate extra.
Ethreon wrote: Please outline the portion where you are being forced to do anything, be you modder or user.
Airbreathers wrote: i don't think saying this is not the site, Based on this post, It is the site, probably the only site that will reward you for doing what you love,


For you second point, its becoming more and more a parent that people don't read the actual post. This is Donation, Meaning you Give freely of your own heart or you do not,( which is in every way completely fine, not everyone can) That money is Basically donated to Nexus/ Community / Mod Makers at large. Nexus then Secretly divides up the Total donation, and then divvies it out to Modder based solely on a metric that can be tracked and is fair in the sense that basically in a real round-a-bout way now every person that downloaded the mod donated something like probably 1 cent (lets be real here) to the author.

SanguinBlack wrote: No. It is not the site. If it happens without my consent, -hell, If I did not order it specifically- it is forced.

"No. It is not the site. If it happens without my consent, -hell, If I did not order it specifically- it is forced."


Stop posting nonsense. The site owner doesn't have to ask you if he can implement features. This is in no way forced onto anyone and you're just blabbering at this point.

Yes, stop posting nonsense, and especially stop posting things that our friend has no rational, logical objection to make against whatsoever, it might make him feel a bit awkward.

I bet you feel pretty awkward.



Load of, ah, bull.


But - you should know best, I suppose, if anyone...

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In response to post #56187486. #56203666 is also a reply to the same post.

EbokianKnight wrote: Niffty. I mean, I honestly don't care what you do with some spare ad revenue, so long as the site remains up and the goodies accessible when the mood strikes. If this drives up participation, neat.

It does seem a bit odd that if Nexus has a slow month, and say only 50 mods (for a really popular game) are made, and they're basically like random preset mods, or some other body slide something, or just someone doing a merge patch between two already popular mods: that they will be rewarded for far larger % of the pool, then perhaps an EPIC MOD that happened to come out during the same month as two other EPIC MODS.

I almost feel like the length of time under consideration should be more like quarterly to more fairly judge a broader swath of releases amongst each other. At first, I wanted to say annually, but that seems like an unreasonably long time, as sometimes modder's attention spans are just gone by then.

Will it be obvious to users on the download / main app page if a particular mod is subscribed to the scheme?
qwormuli wrote: Fair point, but sadly hard to implement. Worth discussing, though.

There's is nothing hard to implement about changing a time scale from 1 month to 1 quarter. That's just a matter of when do you count and handle distribution. Also, it would not be hard to have an indicator (or not) about whether or not a mod is subscribed.

So I don't exactly know what you mean by it'll be hard to implement. The question is, are these points worthy of consideration by the moderators. Edited by EbokianKnight
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In response to post #56212271.

FrankFamily wrote:

Modding is a hobby, not a job.

Huh, you seem to have no mods published in the nexus. Very interesting...

Hate to break it to you Frank, but one doesn't need to upload mods specifically on Nexus, or even at all considering they mod for themselves to make a statement like that. Hell, not even mod at all if you've been around the mod scene for a long time. This only makes you look like you are riding your high horse and belittling anyone who doesn't have a mod released for the public on Nexus. Surely I could be wrong, right?

And modding is a hobby. The people wanting money of course thinks of modding as a job. Which makes me wonder why they even do it at all if modding is such a burden they require money for motivation at all.

Here's an idea, if you crave money so much, find an existing hobby out there that involves money. Once greed chimes in, it's too stubborn to go away. But what's more funny the very same modders who want money had no problem in the past taking in mods for free by others but surely enough when they do it, oh no, no, no. I demand to charge people because I deserve to be paid for my hard work. Even if I gained resources and knowledge by others for free.

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In response to post #56208246. #56208656, #56210846 are all replies on the same post.

Vanguarde2017 wrote: Modding is a hobby, not a job.
Ethreon wrote: So?
LeonidasNerevar wrote: Does that mean no one should be rewarded for their work? The OP already said it won't allow you to quit your day job, just add a reward system. The way I see it, the money they're giving to mod authors is the money we give Nexus by viewing their ads, so it basically us directly rewarding modders. I think it's a fine idea if executed correctly.

Yes, it's a hobby which still takes time and resources. And I've made several donations to several mod authors because I am thankful that they spent their own time to create such amazing mods and keep them updated as the game changes, that their hobby makes my gaming experience so much better.
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In response to post #56212271.




FrankFamily wrote:

Modding is a hobby, not a job.

Huh, you seem to have no mods published in the nexus. Very interesting...

Hate to break it to you Frank, but one doesn't need to upload mods specifically on Nexus, or even at all considering they mod for themselves to make a statement like that. Hell, not even mod at all if you've been around the mod scene for a long time. This only makes you look like you are riding your high horse and belittling anyone who doesn't have a mod released for the public on Nexus. Surely I could be wrong, right?


And modding is a hobby. The people wanting money of course thinks of modding as a job. Which makes me wonder why they even do it at all if modding is such a burden they require money for motivation at all.


Here's an idea, if you crave money so much, find an existing hobby out there that involves money. Once greed chimes in, it's too stubborn to go away. But what's more funny the very same modders who want money had no problem in the past taking in mods for free by others but surely enough when they do it, oh no, no, no. I demand to charge people because I deserve to be paid for my hard work. Even if I gained resources and knowledge by others for free.


Another person with zero mods published on the nexus and a whole 7 endorsements given in two years who's here telling people their time and effort is not worth anything and should never be worth anything because... they taught themselves how to do it with free online resources? Wow, that is the dumbest thing I've heard all week and I work in IT, I hear stupid things all day long.

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In response to post #56212271. #56214391 is also a reply to the same post.

FrankFamily wrote:

Modding is a hobby, not a job.

Huh, you seem to have no mods published in the nexus. Very interesting...
endgameaddiction wrote: Hate to break it to you Frank, but one doesn't need to upload mods specifically on Nexus, or even at all considering they mod for themselves to make a statement like that. Hell, not even mod at all if you've been around the mod scene for a long time. This only makes you look like you are riding your high horse and belittling anyone who doesn't have a mod released for the public on Nexus. Surely I could be wrong, right?

And modding is a hobby. The people wanting money of course thinks of modding as a job. Which makes me wonder why they even do it at all if modding is such a burden they require money for motivation at all.

Here's an idea, if you crave money so much, find an existing hobby out there that involves money. Once greed chimes in, it's too stubborn to go away. But what's more funny the very same modders who want money had no problem in the past taking in mods for free by others but surely enough when they do it, oh no, no, no. I demand to charge people because I deserve to be paid for my hard work. Even if I gained resources and knowledge by others for free.

"Hate to break it to you Frank, but one doesn't need to upload mods specifically on Nexus, or even at all considering they mod for themselves to make a statement like that."

Yea, they just need to be able to connect to the internet to post. How does this nexus initiative stop modding from being a hobby? Is this another "modding is dead" thing?
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In response to post #56181426. #56183116, #56186371, #56204166, #56204241, #56205146, #56205391 are all replies on the same post.

ComScreen wrote:


In response to post #56160276. #56166746, #56170356, #56171606, #56173686, #56177316 are all replies on the same post.

CyniclyPink wrote: I'm all for mod authors getting some reward for their efforts. Some have taken years to complete. I hope this works out OK.
Airbreathers wrote: I think you have the right idea.
SanguinBlack wrote: Except it is modder's choice to make a free mod, no one should be kept responsible for it but the modder. If they want money, this is not the site. And it should remain as user's choice to donate extra.
Ethreon wrote: Please outline the portion where you are being forced to do anything, be you modder or user.
Airbreathers wrote: i don't think saying this is not the site, Based on this post, It is the site, probably the only site that will reward you for doing what you love,

For you second point, its becoming more and more a parent that people don't read the actual post. This is Donation, Meaning you Give freely of your own heart or you do not,( which is in every way completely fine, not everyone can) That money is Basically donated to Nexus/ Community / Mod Makers at large. Nexus then Secretly divides up the Total donation, and then divvies it out to Modder based solely on a metric that can be tracked and is fair in the sense that basically in a real round-a-bout way now every person that downloaded the mod donated something like probably 1 cent (lets be real here) to the author.
SanguinBlack wrote: No. It is not the site. If it happens without my consent, -hell, If I did not order it specifically- it is forced.

"No. It is not the site. If it happens without my consent, -hell, If I did not order it specifically- it is forced."

Stop posting nonsense. The site owner doesn't have to ask you if he can implement features. This is in no way forced onto anyone and you're just blabbering at this point.



Yes, stop posting nonsense, and especially stop posting things that our friend has no rational, logical objection to make against whatsoever, it might make him feel a bit awkward.

Ethreon wrote: I bet you feel pretty awkward.
Airbreathers wrote: I'm Not worried about his View anymore. I'm 1000% sure he's Trolling. So ill disregard anything else he post on this subject. I mean there is no way he doesn't realize that he doesn't run this site, nor it's users. He's not some kinda scary mind controlling god, well at least to the best of my knowledge.

We now have something far more important to deal with, something that actually could and probably will hurt the community, ModDrop. This is something the 2,371,146,881 users of this site, Need to stand up against.
qwormuli wrote: Is there Anything unsavoury About this moddrop, that is not obviously apparent? My knowledge about it is limited to their advertisement video, which makes it look like another mod hosting site.
LeonidasNerevar wrote: I just went to the ModDrop page and watched their trailer and read the site. Are you worried that ModDrop will pull users away from downloading from Nexus and switch to ModDrop? When I first started modding I would have loved installing with one click. Is ModDrop a bad thing simply because it's not Nexus?
qwormuli wrote: Delved a bit into it. It's a cesspool, plain and simple. it steals the original creations in unsupported and often shifty messes, which i wouldn't want to inflict on my computer. No credibility, no theft protection(the other way around, in fact), no real moderation, no virus protection or detection, no real community to detect and oust these to provide some herd immunity, not to mention some heavy and backed allegations of the creator being an extremely damaging serial thief and an impersonator. Wouldn't touch with a ten feet pole.
EnaiSiaion wrote: No, it's a bad thing because their business model is based on people uploading stolen mods so they can plaster ads and get revenue.

Thanks guys i havn't checked on this to make sure people understood what i ment. thanks for having my back there.qwormuli and EnaiSiaion. kudos to you both
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In response to post #56181426. #56183116, #56186371, #56204166, #56204241, #56205146, #56205391, #56216681 are all replies on the same post.

ComScreen wrote:


In response to post #56160276. #56166746, #56170356, #56171606, #56173686, #56177316 are all replies on the same post.

CyniclyPink wrote: I'm all for mod authors getting some reward for their efforts. Some have taken years to complete. I hope this works out OK.
Airbreathers wrote: I think you have the right idea.
SanguinBlack wrote: Except it is modder's choice to make a free mod, no one should be kept responsible for it but the modder. If they want money, this is not the site. And it should remain as user's choice to donate extra.
Ethreon wrote: Please outline the portion where you are being forced to do anything, be you modder or user.
Airbreathers wrote: i don't think saying this is not the site, Based on this post, It is the site, probably the only site that will reward you for doing what you love,

For you second point, its becoming more and more a parent that people don't read the actual post. This is Donation, Meaning you Give freely of your own heart or you do not,( which is in every way completely fine, not everyone can) That money is Basically donated to Nexus/ Community / Mod Makers at large. Nexus then Secretly divides up the Total donation, and then divvies it out to Modder based solely on a metric that can be tracked and is fair in the sense that basically in a real round-a-bout way now every person that downloaded the mod donated something like probably 1 cent (lets be real here) to the author.
SanguinBlack wrote: No. It is not the site. If it happens without my consent, -hell, If I did not order it specifically- it is forced.

"No. It is not the site. If it happens without my consent, -hell, If I did not order it specifically- it is forced."

Stop posting nonsense. The site owner doesn't have to ask you if he can implement features. This is in no way forced onto anyone and you're just blabbering at this point.



Yes, stop posting nonsense, and especially stop posting things that our friend has no rational, logical objection to make against whatsoever, it might make him feel a bit awkward.

Ethreon wrote: I bet you feel pretty awkward.
Airbreathers wrote: I'm Not worried about his View anymore. I'm 1000% sure he's Trolling. So ill disregard anything else he post on this subject. I mean there is no way he doesn't realize that he doesn't run this site, nor it's users. He's not some kinda scary mind controlling god, well at least to the best of my knowledge.

We now have something far more important to deal with, something that actually could and probably will hurt the community, ModDrop. This is something the 2,371,146,881 users of this site, Need to stand up against.
qwormuli wrote: Is there Anything unsavoury About this moddrop, that is not obviously apparent? My knowledge about it is limited to their advertisement video, which makes it look like another mod hosting site.
LeonidasNerevar wrote: I just went to the ModDrop page and watched their trailer and read the site. Are you worried that ModDrop will pull users away from downloading from Nexus and switch to ModDrop? When I first started modding I would have loved installing with one click. Is ModDrop a bad thing simply because it's not Nexus?
qwormuli wrote: Delved a bit into it. It's a cesspool, plain and simple. it steals the original creations in unsupported and often shifty messes, which i wouldn't want to inflict on my computer. No credibility, no theft protection(the other way around, in fact), no real moderation, no virus protection or detection, no real community to detect and oust these to provide some herd immunity, not to mention some heavy and backed allegations of the creator being an extremely damaging serial thief and an impersonator. Wouldn't touch with a ten feet pole.
EnaiSiaion wrote: No, it's a bad thing because their business model is based on people uploading stolen mods so they can plaster ads and get revenue.
Airbreathers wrote: Thanks guys i havn't checked on this to make sure people understood what i ment. thanks for having my back there.qwormuli and EnaiSiaion. kudos to you both

To LeonidasNerevar, No My issue is definitely not that its just another site then the Nexus... that would be very dumb of me, Nope. In fact i occasionally uses a few other sites. i just have such a big issue with modDrop Because it is a Cesspool, like qwormuli said. He said it well. Edited by Airbreathers
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