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Sorry to break back into the original subject but were we not just talking about this guy? https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6246781-mattsrpg-banned/



The Rabbit

Oh wow... yeah... that guy was toxic. The only time I use profanity like that is in a private "pm" and even its reserved for being comedic and friendly not... well... an a$*&e.

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It's pretty much always been a problem from what I've seen. And frankly, itt probably always be, so long as people don't have to do much more then download a mod to get it. There's this widespread mentality among a lot of people that anything they themselves haven't done must be three things; cheap, easy, and instant.

Most modders, at least I believe know better (kind of hard not to) but the average mod user has little to no idea of just how much work goes into creating a mod, how many countless hours, do, what software to make things like models can cost, ect. The only real way you're ever going to change that is by either showing people who don't want to admit there's a cost it's there,or let them experience having stuff of their own ripped off after putting so much hard work into it.

But we'll probably never be able to do that.

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I used to code a MUD back in the day (early 90s). It was the same then. Making stuff to modify a base game (the CircleMUD code base, which has a provision of "use all you want, but you can't in any way make money from it"), then putting it out there for others to use for free, except that unlike posting mods, which are usually okay on their own once released,coding a MUD required constant maintenance.

So, here you are, spending hours a week running the MUD simply because you enjoy it and for no profit or personal gain, and people would assume that because they have created a character for your game that they somehow now have the right to tell you what you should or should not do with your game.

Same problem, different decade/century/millennium.

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For complaints about matters of quality I would simply say this in response to them: Tell me and/or show me how to do the proposed improvement and it will be done so long as I feel the time investment will be worth it. But I try to research to know the stuff that really ought to be in the released mod already, although we can get stuck if don't know how to do those things. Like my helmet recolor ought to be an ESL, and have option ESLs selectable in an NMM thing & have them be AIO ESLs as it can be a bother when AE support means another slot on your load order and X patch like for horizon means another ESP on your load order.


For matters of preference still mostly the same but I have to like the proposed change, if not I say "Sure they can do it themselves and let me know how it goes. If completed it can be added to this page as an option file which will say made by you(Reason for this being so users don't have to add another ESP every time)." I like a lot of stuff but if they want like a Pickle Rick themed one then sorry but probably they're SoL unless they do it themselves.



I used to code a MUD back in the day (early 90s). It was the same then. Making stuff to modify a base game (the CircleMUD code base, which has a provision of "use all you want, but you can't in any way make money from it"), then putting it out there for others to use for free, except that unlike posting mods, which are usually okay on their own once released,coding a MUD required constant maintenance.

So, here you are, spending hours a week running the MUD simply because you enjoy it and for no profit or personal gain, and people would assume that because they have created a character for your game that they somehow now have the right to tell you what you should or should not do with your game.

Same problem, different decade/century/millennium.

I would just say I'll evaluate it if they give me working code in order implement the change and it's an idea I feel is reasonable. It is a lot more involved in that case so I'd just so nope I won't spend any time on this without any compelling reasons to do so. So it's either: A. They convince me it's worth the work(really hard since if it's obvious I would have done so already), B. Do the work themselves and give it to me. C. Too bad for them.


Coding takes hours so too bad for them. I never really thought about this stuff till the Creation Club updates happened and make more work for the F4SE authors. They probably have to re-code stuff every time I bet.




Sorry to break back into the original subject but were we not just talking about this guy? https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6246781-mattsrpg-banned/



The Rabbit

Oh wow... yeah... that guy was toxic. The only time I use profanity like that is in a private "pm" and even its reserved for being comedic and friendly not... well... an a$*&e.


That is good to see. People are entitled to opinions and all that but TBH there's got to be a limit somewhere.

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