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Navmeshing Objects - Warnings, Errors, and weird entries in FO4edit


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First off: What's with the ~500 errors when loading even just the Fallout4 master file in the CK (see screenshot #1)? I even backed up my installation, and redownloaded the whole game, just to check if I messed anything up. Still the same amount of errors, even with vanilla data. Any way to get rid of those warnings without disabling warnings alltogether, or having to configure the warning filter new every time? It even gives 3 warnings after just opening the CK without anything loaded (see screenshot #2).


To the main issue(s):


I'm attempting to navmesh an object (a giant ship). I right click on it in the object list, then on "navmesh object" (which sends me another batch of warnings, see screenshot #3), and navmesh the whole thing. So far, so good. But the option to finalize it is grayed out for some reason, so I can't do that. When I save it, it shows me warnings and errors for navmeshes I didn't even look at, from cells I never opened (see screenshot #4)


For testing, I skipped navmeshing the ship, and instead navmeshed a single square tile (which also can't be finalized somehow). I still get warnings related to completely different navmeshes from the base game when saving, and the thing that concerns me most is the data saved to the plugin file. I check my mod for dirty edits with FO4Edit, so when I opened it and had a look at the new entry for the navmesh, I saw thousands of entries for navmeshes over the whole darn game (see screenshot #5). Stuff I never opened or looked at. I load the plugin, pick the obejct I wanna navmesh from the object list, and that's it. Never loaded a single cell, and the version before doesn't have those entries. Even with just the navmesh of the tiny square saved the mod gets bloated from 2kb to 40kb. I'm not concerned about the size, but that it could edit stuff I don't intend to and therefore cause conflicts. I suspect this is just, like the entry says, some map tree for the meshes, but I'm not sure, and if so, why does every single plugin adding navmeshes has to save the whole dang tree?


Can someone please help me here? Google didn't help with this stuff. :-/ Thank you.



Screenshot #1





Screenshot #2





Screenshot #3





Screenshot #4





Screenshot #5




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