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1.5 Patch live on steam?


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The only problem I noted so far (and might not have noticed right away except I just started a new char) is that whatever they did to Smithing, smithing anything now massively pumps your smithing skill and artificially levels you.


I went to the smith in Riverrun at LVL 1, and after smithing/improving the iron dagger, hide helmet, an imperial bow, and a sword my smithing skill was 50+ and the leveller let me level up to 7 on the spot.


Seriously f'n broken. :(

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aaargh, I didn't see this in time to change my steam settings back to "don't auto-update." (Which somehow got reset to "keep game auto-updated" without me noticing :wacko: .) Being from the "if it ain't broke..." school, doubly so in the case of steam, I'm kinda kicking myself. Ah well, too late now, hopefully it'll be ok (smithing at 100 already so at least I don't have to worry about what the previous post mentioned).
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Here are the Mods i have, what will the Patch Clash with.


That's a lot.


I have only a few of those mods can anbody elaborate on exactly how/why? I didn't read that is was changed that much on the update notes I saw.

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OH JOY - Beth is back!! Steam Forced another bug infested mess on us.


All new CDT's, Mostly on "fast travel" -


Floating Weapons, After all of the NEW Kill Flicks -


Broken Quests! - Just started a new dude and tried Blood on the Ice...


Oh well Da** it all!! Wish I knew how the auto load got turned back on.


What next a blank screen?? WOW, will it be a black or a white screen?


Leave the Modders alone. They keep fixing the game and Beth keeps hosing it back up!!


:verymad: :wallbash:


EDIT: as soon as I found the "Mess" I turned ALL the mods off and tried "Vanilla" - No Change.

Edited by Yegrof67
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OH JOY - Beth is back!! Steam Forced another bug infested mess on us.


All new CDT's, Floating Weapons, Broken Quests!

What next a blank screen?? WOW, will it be a black or a white screen?


Leave the Modders alone. They keep fixing the game and Beth keeps hosing it back up!!



The patch itself is fine, it really just depends on what mods people have. Which is something that can't be regulated, so some things are bound to break unless you're running a Vanilla game.

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Happy happy joy joy. More intrusive, untested game changes and unrelenting invasion by STEAMypile. I can hardly wait for the CTD's and good working mod failures. Good mods they are so determined to abolish.


STEAMYpile can take any bowl of cherries and make you see the pits.

Edited by Brandy_123
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FYI, I have found the free firewall application Peerblock to be the simplest to prevent Steam updating, it forces it to go into offline mode without the need to disconnect from the internet. It doesn't need setting up as it blocks Steam by default. It's an Anti-spyware tool, not sure what that says about Steam though :)
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