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Spanish words suddenly appearing ingame


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Exactly what the topic title says. Somehow, spanish words have started appearing in my game. For example, bandit leaders are now bandit blablabla, frost trolls and sabretigers also now have their names in a spanish equivalent. The name of the inn in riverwood has also been changed to something spanish.


Not all monsters have their names changed though. Most remain vanilla and I have no idea what is causing this.


Active Mod Files:


00  Skyrim.esm
01  Update.esm
02  SkyMoMod.esm
03  Deus Mons.esm
04  Hideout.esm
05  Mannequin.esm
06  Natural Characters and Companions.esm
07  ApachiiHair.esm
08  RaceCompatibility.esm
09  Extended Colors.esm
0A  MTOH.esm
0B  AsharaMerchantNPC.esm
0C  Divada.esm
0D  KaelynWindborne.esm
0E  Alexa the Storm-Queen.esm
0F  BBLuxurySuite.esm
10  Shadow Striping Fix.esp
11  Phenderix's Magic Sounds Improved.esp
12  SoS - The Dungeons.esp  [Version 1.10]
13  SoS - The Wilds.esp  [Version 1.0.1]
14  Weapons and Armor Fixes.esp
15  Weapons and Armor Fixes - Hacks.esp
17  Arrows of Magicka.esp
18  AV1Dragon_Lords.esp
19  BagofTrashMG.esp
1A  Conjuration & Summoning fixes.esp
1B  Craftable Artifacts.esp
1C  CraftBoundWeaponsAndArrows.esp
1D  Crafting300.esp
1E  JewelCraft.esp
1F  Lanterns Of Skyrim - Around Cities.esp
20  Lanterns Of Skyrim - Bridges x2 - OnOff.esp
21  Lost Art of the Blacksmith.esp
22  Mannequins.esp
23  More Craftables.esp
24  Convertible Azura's Star.esp
25  Portable Campsite.esp
26  SkyMoMod_lists.esp
27  Skyrim Barbers.esp
28  ValsCraftingMeltdownAlpha.esp
29  WiS IV - Heroes & Villains.esp
2A  Mart's Savegame DeBloatifier.esp
2B  118 Weapon Pack.esp
2C  18 Black Katanas.esp
2D  Alduin's son.esp
2E  Angelic_Demonic.esp
2F  BarbarianArmor.esp
30  Barbarian Jewelry.esp
31  Blade_of_Olympus.esp
32  Cloaks.esp
33  CrainteVomir.esp
34  DaedricCorset.esp
35  DaggerCraft.esp
36  DG Jewelry.esp
37  Dragonbone Weapons.esp
38  Dragonbone Weapons - Faster Arrows.esp
39  DragonBoneWeaponsPack02.esp
3A  Dynasty Armour Compilation.esp
3B  EtherealEdge.esp
3C  FantasyWeapons.esp
3D  FF7 Blades.esp
3E  Frostmourne.esp
3F  FS_AngelsInSkyrim.esp
40  FS_EveningStar.esp
41  GattiBondage0.esp
42  HentaiVoidArmor.esp
43  Jojjos Warglaives.esp
44  JSwords.esp
45  LayerBikini.esp
46  LoreFriendlyArmors.esp
47  Magicka Sabers.esp
48  Moar Kontent.esp
49  Nicos Gift.esp
4A  R18Pn - Argent Iron Armor.esp
4B  Siege Bow & Backpacks.esp
4C  Silverlight Armor.esp
4D  SkyHeels.esp
4E  survivor_armor.esp
4F  Twohanded Dawnbreaker.esp
50  typemoonWeapon.esp
51  Ultima Weapon.esp
52  Unarmed Enhanced.esp
53  AutoAim.esp
54  WiS IV - Golden Age.esp
55  WiS IV - Lore Friendly.esp
56  WiS IV - Perks For NPCs.esp
57  WiS IV - NPCs Heal & Resurrect.esp
58  WiS IV - Bash & Power Attack.esp
59  WiS IV - Water Wars.esp
5A  WiS IV - Armors & Blocks.esp
5B  WiS IV - Fix FrostspiderGiant.esp
5C  DeadlyDragonsCreature.esp
5D  Deus Mons.esp
5E  Dragon Falls Manor.esp
5F  FastTravelFromIndoors.esp
60  FasterArrows100.esp
61  FasterHorses_Sprint_x2.esp
62  FImperialCuirass.esp
63  LaFemmeLycana.esp
64  Mannequin.esp
65  moveitLWT.esp
66  HugMe.esp
67  No Helmets Required.esp
68  NoHelmetMultiple.esp
69  Reduced Distance NPC Greetings.esp
6A  VampireOverhaul.esp
6B  VampireEffectProject.esp
6C  WerewolfUpgrade.esp
6D  MidasSkyrim.esp
6E  Phenderix's Magic Evolved.esp
6F  Spousetocustomhome.esp
70  Battlemage's Arcanes.esp
71  SpellSneak.esp
72  UnlimitedConjuration.esp
73  IPutASpellOnYou.esp
74  Eld-unarmedCombat.esp
75  Killmove +.esp
76  Balanced_Alteraton.esp
77  Balanced_Conjuration.esp
78  Balanced_Destruction.esp
79  Balanced_Illusion.esp
7A  Balanced_Restoration.esp
7B  Smithing Perks Overhaul.esp
7C  TrueYield.esp
7D  Uncapped Perks - Combat + Stealth.esp
7E  Uncapped Perks - Magic.esp
7F  WiS IV - leveld World X1.esp
80  MomoDash.esp
81  ApachiiHair.esp
82  LovelyHairstyles.esp
83  N_43 Hair Pack.esp
84  numenume Hair.esp
85  OrientalRace.esp
86  AskFollowerSkills.esp
87  Better Followers - SP.esp
88  Natural Characters and Companions.esp
89  Extended Colors - Selection.esp
8A  WiS IV - Races.esp
8B  WiS IV - Blood Coins Normal.esp
8C  MasksAllLight.esp
8D  Superjump_2x.esp
8E  Saber.esp
8F  Bikini Clothes.esp
90  Strapless Bikinis.esp
91  Hana.esp
92  NarutoEyes.esp
93  Neo's Swordmage.esp
94  fx_eye_candy_rings.esp
95  shogo_laser_katana.esp
96  ForbiddenMagic.esp
97  SaberArmor.esp
98  DarkAtronach.esp
99  siegebreaker.esp
9A  DragonSlayerAxe.esp
9B  Cleric Armours.esp
9C  Cleric Armours2.esp
9D  Invulnerable Horses - Brave.esp
9E  JoOMassLightning.esp
9F  rooq_bathing_onecell.esp
A0  Fighting Stances(optional) EnemiesPack.esp
A1  Spriggan Armor 2.esp
A2  AsharaRomanticOutfit.esp
A3  Monys Portable Crafting Equipment.esp
A4  NGEC.esp
A5  ScarabSilentArrows.esp
A6  Fighting Stances.esp
A7  TriRoc Stripper Companion.esp
A8  GattiBondage1.esp
A9  Lightning's Latex Mask.esp
AA  Fate.esp
AB  Maid Armor.esp
AC  nomask_1.7.esp
AD  Dual Flurry for all.esp
AE  Rikke.esp
AF  Tifa.ff7.byHimmelsky.esp
B0  Twili's Unarmed perk.esp
B1  ScarabSilentArchery.esp
B2  Als Thunder Smite.esp
B3  DV Better Sleep.esp
B4  Glowtastic.esp
B5  WeaponsOfTheShogunate.esp
B6  VampireHideouts.esp
B7  Gatti2Misogi.esp
B8  LFox Bottle That Blood.esp
B9  Divada.esp
BA  tom349fistweapons.esp
BB  KaelynWindborne.esp
BC  NoNakedComments.esp
BD  TS_GattiBondage1.esp
BE  Neo's Slave Leia.esp
BF  FenrirGreatsword.esp
C0  Leeloo_Monokini.esp
C1  Darklilith.esp
C2  numenume bikini.esp
C3  KCustomFollowers.esp
C4  Colorful Torches.esp
C5  OrientalEyes.esp
C6  OrientalbeautyMod.esp
C7  OrientalBrows.esp
C8  IMAGINATOR - Visual Control for Skyrim.esp
C9  EnhancedCharacterEdit.esp
CA  SwordDance.esp
CB  numenume elf ear.esp
CC  ExpandedJewelryCrafting.esp
CD  Follower Limit Increased.esp
CE  RaRe.esp
CF  DeadlyDragons.esp
D0  Pushup-Bikini.esp
D1  BBLuxurySuiteExt.esp
D2  Gatti3Evilrose.esp
D3  AmuletOfHomecoming.esp
D4  DPArmor.esp



The above is my mod list, which I figure has something to do with the spanish words appearing, but have no idea how to check without a tool like fnvedit

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Hello cchoay,


Try unchecking all the War in Skyrim mods (they start with "WiS IV"). The mod creator has stated that not all the text has been translated to English yet and that some are still in Italian.

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It's most likely the last mod,or one of the last ones you installed since playing last. Try uninstalling those mods and testing to see if the problem goes away. If not - then you probably didn't completely uninstall a mod.


If it does, then put the mods back, one at a time and test between each one until you find the culprit. Then look to see if there is a version of that mod marked as English (en). Those in Spanish should be (sp), Italian (it) Russian (ru) German (de) etc However sometimes mod authors don't realize this is a standard way of Identifying the language.

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Skyrim was updated yesterday to 1.5, this means the mod no longer works (it only works with version You will have to wait for the mod creator to update his work. I'm not sure if any of the other mods are incompatible with the update, you may have to check.
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WIS 4 atill works with the 1.5 update. Like the earlier post said, some items/creatures are in Italian and the modder is working on the translation. This is stated clearly on the mods readme. You most likely have mod conflicts - with 100 or so mods that's to be expected. I know that Skyrim Monster Mod does not play nice with WIS. You will likely need to choose one or the other. Note that WIS should work fine with Occupy Skyrim, Deadly Dragons and Warzones. Also I think that WIS might be better off loading after Deadly Dragons in the load order. Thought I read that somewhere :)


In any case, you have to track down the source of the instant CTD. You need to turn off all mods and the load them incrementally, working from top to bottom in the list. Its a PITA know - I have 80 or so mods and was experiencing CTDs upon entering a particular cell. I enable say 5 or 10 at a time, check the game and keep going until the CTDs are gone, and then hone in on the culprit. For me it was Shenk Thievery Overhaul.


It has to be done.

Edited by Atardecer
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I had the same issue and was able to track it down to WiS. Lore Friendly was not playing nice. I did notice in your mod list that you are running both WiS IV - Golden Age.esp and WiS IV - Lore Friendly.esp. To the best of my knowledge, you should only have 1.
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