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1.5.24 post your bug and help.


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So far....


1. Shadows don't work.. Everything gets darker if I stand where a shadow should have been.

2. Quest marker is missing on compass and doors in some quests

3. Incorrect weapon damage (bows to high, melee reset to standard damage)

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I have these strange artifacts on screen; they're like squares of pixels scattered about. I can sometimes see through things. I have a powercolor hd 6850 single slot edition and the latest drivers for both the card and the game. Installing and uninstalling any mods has no effect.

If anyone could help that would be awesome. Thank you

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I have these strange artifacts on screen; they're like squares of pixels scattered about. I can sometimes see through things. I have a powercolor hd 6850 single slot edition and the latest drivers for both the card and the game. Installing and uninstalling any mods has no effect.

If anyone could help that would be awesome. Thank you


Go back to Catalyst 12.1. 12.2 and 12.3 are bad for Skyrim. You could try 12.2 PreCertified (eseentially a Beta driver) because that is good for Skyrim but it breaks some other games.

Edited by ProjectVRD
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Anyone else getting entirely missing models? I will walk into towns to see guards floating on invisible walkways, I walk into dungeons to find that there are no floor or walls, farmhouses randomly disappear only to leave a floating door, the Kahjiit merchants outside of towns sit and stand around absent fires and live in invisible tents.
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Since i've installed 1.5, jumping in water crash my game to desktop automaticly... (everytime, i'm about to touch the water...)

Love you bethesda ! Damm It !


Edit: Oups, double post !

Edited by reaper9111
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1-huge shadows issues... makes the game pretty unplayable or rather unlookable...

shadows dancing all around the floors, extended at some places, missing at others, etc etc


2- cant see underwater: full dark green monitor so cant see a thing unless the camera is above the water


3- probably way more if i open the game and manage to ignore the shadow issue

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