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Hey guys, I've never noticed this forum before. Here's something I've been working on for a while.

The idea, write an Epic in the style of the old greats (Inferno, The Odyssey, Milton ect.) to give a fun mythology for those that subscribe to observable reason alone.

I hope you enjoy!


Chapter 1


With a third of time up, so swiftly I look, through the annals of man and more
A library I spied, an architect's pride
Marvelously Gothic in form
Reaching the door, I thought some more, upon the genius of man and his will.
As the ancient door shook, excitement overtook, and with innocence of child, my mind ran wild, the possibilities of time well spent, my ignorance to repent.
A man appeared, hunched, odorous, of garlic he stunk, with a smile genuine and pure.
"Welcome my friend, you’re at journey's end, if you'll follow me sir, bid ignorance adieu, within lies the second death"
With loss of breath, my form felt less, a burden upon my soul.
"Hah, do not worry my son, we're going to have fun, here you can seek what you've sought, without remorse of the peers you've named 'men', of beast in mind but not in form.
His comportment a puzzle, to analyse, a struggle, his warmth rendered me dull. To rationalize, I could not, my curiosity peaked hot.
Perhaps I am dead, from mortal life fled, then what is this place I stand?
Is immortal life true? I had much left to do, curiosity shadows my doubt.

Walking we were, over the finest of fur, of walls there were none, books of every age, come and gone, littered the halls.
"Here you'll observe (a fine selection, for sure) the annals of intellect, do not interject, though you have been blessed with curiosity so pure, do not forget I open the door.
My rules you'll obey, listen, I shan't delay.
First, you must be, everywhere with me, for danger lurks these halls.
Second, of your form, catch no sight, to do so will cause incurable fright.
Of third and fourth, we'll discuss in warmth, once accustomed, you've become."



Chapter 2


Continuing on, another did come
Aglaonice by name, Astrology her fame.
"Another you've brought? I sense pure thought, in he who's eyes shine bright.
Greetings fair sir, I am Aglaonice of Thessaly, daughter to Hegetor, sorceress to the profane, the moon I did tame"
Her radiance left me in awe, a face to cause men war.
The blackest of hair, thus fell long, her hips I glanced, entranced my tongue did slip.
"Such beauty I behold, from Thessaly so old, your eyes host a spark of fantastic mind, tell me of the great things you came to find"
Thus she spun her tale, transfixed was I in a face so pale.
The tracking of the moon, her ultimate doom, predicting it's cycle, correct, of darkness and light she did detect.
When the profane saw her nichè,
Sorceress! Demon! Witch! They did speak, her existence hence forth, suffering, so bleak.
"Algaonice my dear" Spake the old man
"We must depart from you here and journey on, part with your gift lest time pass swift"
A scroll in my hand did she place no words, letters only space.
As it began to unroll, a tendril appeared, slime of black and green it's form, as more of them come, the translation begun.
"The Cosmos is one, from fragment to Sun, perception the way, chaos it's clay"
The concepts came fast, with no time to ask, the question that burned my mind.
Why am I here? My purpose unclear.
So swift my thoughts and fear, seeing my dismay, spake he "Pray continue, I sense strength in you, to complete the task you know not."
Releasing their grip, the tendrils did slip, to the floor that ceased to exist.
Gravity forgone, turn did I and spun, to see the marvel of an empty black void.
Galaxies, mere dot, understand I did not, and
companionless, me, amidst the black sea.
A sense of obligation, to understand, clouded cohesion, as the planets spun fast, saw ages did I, of Aeons to come and of Aeons past.
The mechanisms I know, of time and it's flow, exists solely for me.



Chapter 3


"Wise you've become, now tell me my son,
do you know any travesty that could curse your mind?"

Hungrily I sighed for I failed to find
Any relation between me and this void
"Humbly I ask, lay out my task!
Speak not in riddle nor fanciful words
My beaten mind questions the absurd,
now the absurd has found me!
Pray, I ask for a rest or a task
By Reason I'm bound, can no logic be found?
In this obscene, this absurd?"

With a mocking look and chuckle, I glimpsed
at my error, for Reason is forever
Finite? Is never, this be Reasons endeavour
An endless struggle, to know the unknown
Forever I Solipsily moan at this zombie,
this drone, now the ego draws near.
This, I have hoped, for within a reasoned mind
you seldom find an ego deflated

"Emancipation I wish! Leave me in bliss
ignorant it may be, go! Now flee!
Bring me rebirth or death, a second, a seventh, a third!
Take this absurd notion of existence,
your philosophical musing hosts no wisdom.
I see through your lies, I may fall or rise
wriggle and squirm, forever to learn
unending I may turn.
Leave me in peace you absolute beast!
I quest alone and need no guiding light,
no peace, presence or heaven.
Leave me now, I care not how
just leave me amused in the dark"

"Hark! You blasphemous fool!
Understand you are my tool
to play, mold and shape your soul.
Oh, my pet, do not fret
Imagine, you are the one, no other has come,
you are forever and one, my little Solipcist.
Now please, I insist, settle this heckle
and calm yourself down
For within Reason's gift, there dwells one rift
the man of soul calls his own"

"Then tell me! I tire of your twisted desire.
I never asked for this, this knowledge, this rift,
If knowledge it be then pray tell me!
Will it's acquisition or vision grant me the peace of death I so desire?"

The old man sighed, I tired of his ride
and wanted off, but it never does stop
It's constant.
A death may, in jest,
give one hope, but even a rope
or injection cannot, upon reflection,
allow the peace once sought.
With nothing to retort, suddenly I thought

Of her beautiful smile.

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